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Cracking an eye open as the sun filters through half closed curtains of the modern hotel room in the vibrant downtown of Barcelona, the blonde stretches out her tired limbs, smiling happily as she pulls the bright white comforter up and beneath her chin in order to rest for a few more, well deserved minutes.

That's when she realizes that-

"What time is- shit?!", the therapist groans, quickly sitting up as she realizes her alarm didn't go off, shoves the warm, cozy comforter off her slender body, and within seconds, the blonde was on her way into the bathroom.

Getting ready in what felt like 2 minutes - definitely best time - Erin pulls her hair up in a messy bun and throws the white polo shirt with the patch of the Spanish National team above her heart over her head, while slipping into her favorite pair of sneakers.

All at the same time.

Erin never oversleeps. Never.

And as fate would want it - and she would worry later why and when she had earned such bad karma - the cleaning lady seemed to have forgotten to refill the coffee caps for the Nespresso machine on the desk by the window, of which she should've been provided with three per day.

Should have.

"Sure...", the blonde rolls her eyes with an annoyed sigh as she puts the coffee cup back into the little cabinet by the desk, snatching her belongings on her way to the door as she grumpily mumbles to herself, "Who needs coffee in the morning? Completely overrated. Great... really"

So without her usual cup of morning coffee, something that helped the blonde focus and clearly lightens up her mood every morning of her life, Erin found herself hurrying down the stairs of the hotel - for someone super smart had decided she would be best off on the top floor - as if she were running for her life.

That was the first bummer of the day.

The second bummer of the day didn't take long to hit her like a wave, because the moment Erin pushed the double doors of the modern hotels entrance open, hurrying outside and towards the bus station, she had to endure watching the older red city bus' doors, with clearly outdated advertising printed on the sides, close in front of her nose, and driving away.

"Fantastic... really", the blonde rolls her eyes, sadly watching the bus driving into the distance as she rushes down the sidewalk and into the direction of the modern training facility, realizing that now, she'd arrive even later.

What a start.

Dialing her colleagues number on the way to inform her she's running late, Martha didn't make the situation better when she answered the call with a higher pitched, "Erin! Are you planning on coming today, too? I thought you were always on time"

"Shut up, Martha... I overslept. It will never happen again", the blonde excuses herself as she walks down the sidewalk in a quick pace, almost bumping into an elder lady with a rolling walker as she looks back over her shoulder to check if she could cross the street without a car hitting her, "Oh, shit... I'm so sorry, ma'am"

"¿Perdón?", the grandma asks behind Erin, who was already on her way over the street.

"Hm, I'll forgive you if you tell me what made you oversleep, hermana?", the therapist on the other end of the line teases, no doubt a mischievous grin on her lips as she adds, "Was it another insignificant night with a certain captain? Or perhaps someone else?"

Rolling her eyes at the indication, Erin couldn't help but chuckle as she replies with a light, "No. And that is the only answer you will get. I'll be there in 15"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now