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as i said. all of this was planned from the beginning. as always... grab a cup of coffee and enjoy ☕️✍🏼

And there it was, the sound of disappointment echoing throughout the stadium.

Gasps and sighs reverberated from the fans, all hopes now resting on a missed opportunity.

Alexia's heart sank as she watched the ball rebound off the post, leaving her in disbelief. The chance to equalize slipped through her fingers, and the weight of her coach's, and everyone's expectations bore heavily on her.

The fear of being eliminated, the anxiety that the remaining 2 minutes of regular play time, plus potentially a couple of extra minutes of overtime would not be enough to equalize, was growing steadily.

Everyone in the stadium held their breath.

Except for the few Swiss supporters in the northeast corner near the main stand, who were celebrating the Queen's failure as if they had just raised the World Cup trophy. Red flags with white crosses evenly waved in the wind, enthusiastic fans of the Swiss Nati were fist bumping the air as they cheered in the pouring rain.

Alexia held her breath.

She could not believe what had just happened. She could not believe what she had done.

What a chance she had missed.

Sorrowful hazel eyes gaze at the giant scoreboard above the main stand as the game duration reads 90 minutes, the sight of the big black zero on Spain's side aching bitterly.

As the two time Ballon D'Or winner walked back to the center of the field, she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The rain seemed to pour down harder, mirroring her internal turmoil.

She couldn't look up. She couldn't look into her teammates disappointed, sad eyes, those who had twinkled at her so hopefully just moments ago.

Yet, Alexia refused to give up.

That was at least what she kept telling herself. There was still time on the clock. Maybe, just maybe, they could do it.

Erin, on the far left end on the substitutes' bench, clenched her fists as she felt her heart breaking for Alexia.

She knew the immense pressure the midfielder was under and wished she could take it all away, even if it was just for a blink of an eye. But she also knew Alexia's strength and resilience, and she had faith, a glimpse of hope, that the quarter final was still achievable.

In the remaining minutes of the match, Spain fought relentlessly - world class - desperate for that elusive equalizer. They poured their hearts into every play, each pass and shot filled with determination and passion.

Passion, in a way only the Spanish football was capable of.

Alexia tried to push herself over the limit, shaking off the missed penalty to focus on the present. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but she channeled them into each and every touch of the ball.

As the clock ticked down, it seemed like destiny was not in Spain's favor that day.

Erin held her breath as her eyes shifted from Alexia and towards the referee, who was turning towards the center of the pitch, raising her arms.


Suddenly, the shrill sound of the whistle was the worst and most painful they had ever heard.

Despite their efforts, the final whistle blew with the scoreline still at 1-0 in favor of Switzerland.

And within 90 minutes Spain had been eliminated.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now