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The midfielder felt her throat tighten as she watches the blonde head disappear into the crowd, immediately soaked up by tons of drunken people as Martha pulls Erin there.


"Mierda", the captain grumbles, sparkling hazel eyes looking for the stunningly beautiful woman - Erin - she'd just met.

And all of a sudden, as Alexia was left behind at the bar all by herself, Erin's cup of cappuccino half emptied on the countertop beside her, she was interested in breaking her plans to sit there all night.

For the gorgeous blonde made her want to lose control, even if it was just for the night.


"Changed your mind regarding the drink?", the friendly bartender, dressed in that simple black shirt, asks with a playful smirk on his lips, holding the bottle of vodka into Alexia's direction, ready to pour some into the glass of water with a squeeze of lemon.

Hesitantly, the midfielder wonders whether or not she should allow herself one single shot.

Should she allow herself to break the rules, to be as perfect and professional as possible?

Should she allow herself to lose control?

And Alexia didn't have to think about it long, for this stranger was truly irresistible.

"I did", says the midfielder, pushing her glass into the barkeepers direction, so the friendly man in the simple black shirt could pour her some of the liquor.

Emptying her glass quickly, feeling the liquid trickle down her throat, Alexia stood up from her seat, swallowing the drink as she adjusts her skirt, the taste of alcohol not too familiar for the captain, before walking towards the dance floor.

With her warm hands tucked into the pockets of her pants, bleached, long hair loosely falling over her strong shoulders, the athlete hoped than none of her teammates would see her there before she'd be able to spot her.


And a few minutes passed by as she looked for the  stunningly beautiful blonde, before all of a sudden, Alexia felt a pair of cold hands settling on her waist from behind, together with a warm breath tickling against the sensitive skin of her neck.

"Who are you looking for?", was the gentle, seductive voice that sounded like music to Alexia's ears.

The captain felt her heart skip a beat, her cheeks flushing in a light shade of rose as cold fingers hold her firmly by the waist, brushing against the perfectly tanned skin exposed between her pants and crop top, causing goosebumps to rise all over her athletic figure.

"Um... some stranger, actually", Alexia chuckles shyly, holding her breath as she felt the blonde pushing her more into the crowd, those gentle, cold palms never letting go of her waist.

Alexia wasn't a dancer.

She never had been.

But as Erin guided her into the crowd, holding her ever so firmly, the two time Ballon D'Or winners mind was spinning.

The athlete couldn't control it.

She felt her hands trembling and her heart pounding furiously as the gorgeous blonde turned her around, confidently looping her slender arms around the brunettes neck.

"So... what does that stranger look like?", wonders Erin, playfully raising an eyebrow as she starts moving her hips to the beat - slow - feeling the surprisingly shy captain stiffen beneath her touch.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now