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double update day ☕️☕️☕️
don't forget your star ⭐️

"Are you... sure about this?", the blonde whispers, her eyes momentarily fluttering open as her forehead rests against Alexia's.

Ice cold fingertips tracing reassuring circles on the brunettes waist, while the captain's strong arms tighten around her neck.

A subtle nod accompanies the midfielder's reply, her voice a breathy whisper, "Kiss me"

Without a moment's hesitation, Erin leans in, feeling the need, the desire, as much as Alexia.

Their lips meet in a fervent, passionate kiss, capturing the sensation of those irresistibly soft, kissable lips.

Uncertainty lingers, reminiscent of a first kiss, but a gasp from the brunette conveys her nervousness, assuring the blonde that the two time Ballon d'Or winner shared her feelings.

"I've missed you so much", Erin echoes her earlier sentiment, her words laden with a potent emotion, as she allows her cool fingertips trace a path down Alexia's neck, following the contours of her elegant, backless dress, each of the tiny tattoos revealed by the expensive material – those small artworks adorning the strong back, the perfectly tanned skin.

The skin, the body the therapist knew so well.

The body she'd missed so deeply.

The blonde's fingers trail over the flower inked on the nape of Alexia's neck, the heart surrounded by thorns, a recent addition to her collection before the World Cup. Every inch of the athlete's body was a piece of art.

Alexia was perfect.

As the brunette parts her tender lips, a silent plea for a deeper connection, Erin couldn't help herself, she couldn't wait for another moment, eager to oblige.

Their tongues tangle in a passionate dance, the world around them melting into insignificance. There's only this moment they've yearned for, the moment they've so despertely needed.

The rest of the world recedes into the background. It all fades away.

The rest fo the world didn't matter.

The grandeur of the Palacio Real de Madrid becomes irrelevant. The hundreds of lights casting shadows on the baroque façade cease to matter. Even the few passersby in the quiet park fade from consciousness.

None of them mattered.

The young couple strolling hand in hand, the blonde woman with her camera poised for a breathtaking shot, the elderly woman with her charming canine companion – they all fade into the periphery.

None of them mattered.

Nothing truly mattered, for in that moment, just after midnight in the heart of Spain's capital – Madrid – only Erin and Alexia existed.

"How did I endure this long without you?", Alexia wonders, breathless, as she pulls back ever so slightly, warm fingers threading through her bleached curls, completely disheveled, a result of the intimacy of their kiss.

Hazel eyes shimmer with a familiar spark. The spark that Erin had missed, the radiance in Alexia's eyes she'd been craving so damn much.

The power those eyes held.

"How could I have allowed this to happen?", the stunningly blonde asks herself, unwilling to release her gentle hold on the captain's hips, fearing that letting go might mean losing everything - her - all over again, "How could I hurt you like that?"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now