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Look, this is... was.... a bubble ☕️✍🏼

Waking up in her king size bed as the sun filters through the half closed curtains of her junior suite the morning of their first match at the 2023 World Cup, Alexia was literally beaming.

Spains captain was motivated.

She was excited. Perhaps a little nervous, also. But above all the emotions she felt, she was mostly proud.

Following her usual morning routine, the two time Ballon D'Or winner made sure she was well prepared for their first match against Costa Rica, which, truth be told, shouldn't be that much a challenge.

She was the first at breakfast, as usual, had a glass of freshly pressed orange juice, as well as her usual portion of eggs and fruit, like she had every morning of her professional career, as well as a cup of double espresso.

And yet, Alexia had no idea what today had in store for her.

It all started when the team gathered for tactic talk, Jorge Vilda awaiting his elite athletes in front of the meeting room of their five-star-hotel, arms crossed over his chest and the usual, unemotional expression on his face.

It was the moment the two time Ballon D'Or winner made her way down the hall, a water bottle in the one hand and her phone in the other, greeting the head coach with a quiet, "Hola", when she noticed he was waving her over.

In order to talk to his superstar before the actual team talk, the grey haired, older man pulled Alexia with him and around a corner as he greeted her with a calm, "Good morning, Alexia"

Tilting her head to the side as she frowned in surprise, Alexia's gaze shifts down to the man's hand, silently telling Jorge to let go of her wrist.

She didn't like him. She never did.

And this would never change.

"Um... is there something... wrong?", she wonders as she felt the pressure around her wrist being released, the midfielder taking tiny a step back as her tender lips form the smallest of smiles, a fake one, though.

Nothing would ever change her opinion about him.


"Alexia... how are you feeling today? Well rested and relaxed?", the coach asks, now resting his hand on the athletes shoulder, a touch Alexia preferred not to happen.

Nodding slightly, the midfielder peers around the corner and towards the group, before replying with a relieved, "Si, very well rested an relaxed"

Sparkling hazel eyes twinkle back at Erin, who had appeared in front of the meeting room as well, Martha to her left.

Yesterday had been a dream.

How could she not be relaxed today?

"That's... fantastic", Jorge breathes, trying his best to sound calm, though it didn't take much for Alexia to realize he was sounding both worried, and nervous.

She could tell by the way he couldn't look her in the eyes.

She could tell by the way he was nervously tapping his fingers against one another's.

"Alexia, there's something you should know before... this meeting starts", he says, his eyes momentarily shifting towards the midfielder, before his gaze drops to the ground.

Raising her brows in surprise, while tender lips purse, the captain tilts her head, wondering what kind of bad news he had in stock for her.

"Alexia, we've been discussing the best possible starting lineup for today's match with the entire staff this morning, and decided it will be best if you won't play from the start today. Ivana will wear the captain's armband and hand it to you later in the game... if we sub you in"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now