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The following morning, Ria found herself in the bustling cafeteria of the FC Barcelona training ground.

As always, it was a hub of activity at this time of the day, filled with the vibrant buzz of athletes and staff engaged in animated conversations, accompanied by the clinking of cutlery against plates and the coffee machine running nonstop.

Having arrived early, her glasses perched up on her nose, Ria was engrossed in the assortment of documents spread out in front of her, her laptop displaying an open file.

Each morning provided a serene moment before the storm, a peaceful interval during which she could focus on her tasks without any distractions.

Just as head coach was getting deeply involved in the details of a particular file displayed on her laptop, a slender woman with blonde hair breezed into the cafeteria.

Sporting a pair of comfortable sweatpants and the white polo shirt of the Spanish national team, blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun, Erin approached Ria's table with quick, determined steps, the head coach finding amusement in her friend's casual yet determined entrance.

"Someone seems a bit behind schedule", Ria teases, casting a glance over her glasses as Erin pulls out a chair, settling across from her.

"Someone seems to have decided to sabotage my alarm", Erin grumbles, her voice a blend of exhaution and annoyance, slouching slightly in her chair, visibly tired from her late return the previous night, "Now, how do you expect me to explain this to my boss?"

"Well, I thought that giving you some extra sleep might buy me a few moments of uninterrupted work, Sweetie", Ria replies drily, forest green eyes fixed to the laptop screen as she adjusts her glassess, cold fingertips dancing over the keyboard.

Workaholic. Perfectionist.

"If you're looking to get rid of me, just grant me a day off", Erin replies wearily, casting a glance at her watch, then reclines with a yawn escaping her lips, "I could catch up on sleep, or go for a hike, maybe... grab a cup of coffee... or two"

Before Ria had a chance to respond, a soft voice emanated from behind Erin, catching the therapist off guard, "Bon Dia"

Erin's eyes widen as she turns, surprised to find Alexia standing there, a gentle smile gracing her tender lips while holding a tray bearing aromatic cups, a large, and two smaller ones.

Casting a look at the head coach, the blonde furrows an eyebrow when she caught a hint of a smirk tugging at Ria's lips.

What is going on?

"Double espresso for Ria", the captain announces, placing one of the smaller cups in front of the coach, who nods in acknowledgment as she removes her glasses, while Alexia extends the taller cup toward the blonde, her smile warm, "Cappuccino for Erin"

The therapist's expression wavered between bewilderment and disbelief.

And as the two time Ballon D'Or winner settled down beside her, holding the final cup in her own hand, it didn't get any better when the captain's warm hand brushed against her hip, the familiar touch sending an ice cold shiver down Erin's spine.

The power that touch held.

"What's going on with you two?", the blonde murmurs aloud, a light shade of rose gracing her pale cheeks as she takes a cautious sip of her coffee, heart leaping at the taste of caramel on her delicate lips.

Ria's forest green eyes are sparkling with amusement as she leans back in her chair, hands resting behind her head, "Well, after your revelations last night, I decided to ring up Alexia this morning. Luckily, her appointments don't commence until this afternoon, so we could meet bright and early"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now