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A few hours after the final whistle, as well as the post-match press conference and tons of media appointments later, Alexia was climbing up the staircase of their team hotel located in downtown Auckland, her legs tired, her muscles sore.

But instead of feeling exhausted, the midfielder felt only one thing.

Alexia Putellas was proud.

She was proud of everything that had happened today. Proud of her performance. Proud of her two assists. Proud of the goal she scored at the end of the first half.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner was glowing.

Not even the crowd of cameras, the stupid questions during the press conference, or Jorge's boring post-match speech in the locker room, none of it managed to spoil the midfielders mood.

With a happy, proud smile on her tender lips, still dressed in her jersey and the warm up jacket above - for Alexia didn't even had time to change - the athlete fumbles her door card out of her pocket as she heads towards her junior suite down the hall.

That's when she spots someone.

A slender blonde was walking her way, a tablet in hand, focused on the screen as she punched some notes into the system.

Holding her breath, the two time Ballon D'Or winner couldn't help but smile as Erin approaches her, the stunningly beautiful blonde, dressed in her work uniform - the white polo shirt and a pair of sweatpants - almost walking past Alexia without even noticing the captains presence.


Because just as the therapist passed Alexia, twinkling eyes focused on the screen, Erin felt warm fingers tentatively wrap around her slender wrist, a soft, "Hola, Bonita", snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Oh- um...", the blonde chuckles nervously as she realizes she'd zoned out, "I'm sorry- I"

"What are you doing up here on the top floor?", the midfielder teases, a happy, proud smile on her tender lips, voice calm and soft, even confident for some reason as she allows an arm to sneak around the blondes waist, pulling Erin towards her.

Furrowing an eyebrow, surprised by the gentle touch and Alexia's sudden boost of confidence, the blonde felt her entire body shiver at the unexpected embrace.

Though she would never complain.

"Well, Jorge assigned me with these boring tasks. I had to gather some information from different athletes for a statistics regarding load control, and-"

"Had to? As in... past tense?", the brunette wonders, sparkling hazel eyes twinkling at Erin's as the blonde bites down on her bottom lip, switching off the tablet.

This was more important.

"Had to. Past tense. I'm... done. Misa's was the last information missing to complete the statistics Jorge requested earlier", the blonde replies softly, steadily gazing into Alexia's hazel eyes, noticing how the brunettes stare shifts down, and towards her delicate, so kissable looking lips.

Alexia couldn't help it.

She couldn't help herself. She couldn't help but wish she could allow herself to relinquish control and-

"You're staring", the blonde teases, clasping her hands behind her back as she looks down the hall, assuring herself no one was there.

For that would be fatal.

They couldn't be seen.

"Check your stats again. Are you sure you've already interviewed everyone?", Alexia wonders with a smirk on her lips, pulling the blonde with her as she unlocks the door.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now