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wouldn't make you wait any longer ☕️✍🏼

As if rooted to the spot, in a state of shock, Alexia stood there, sorrowful, hazel eyes watching as the slender blonde hurries down the hallway with quick, hasty steps.

Sadly, Erin wipes the salty tears from under her eyes, upset that she couldn't control her emotions.

As harsh as her words directed to the captain had just been, and even if she knew Martha would confirm her statement regarding the 'green light', she couldn't help but cry.

She was hurt.

The therapist was glad when she made it to her single room located on one of the lower floors of the team hotel, pulling the white, slightly scratched card through the reader to her left, relieved when she closed the door behind her.

Pissed off, Erin throws her backpack on the comfortable armchair by the window, sadly plopping down on the mattress, which was covered by a perfectly made comforter.

"Dammit", the blonde curses angrily, burying her head in one of the pillows, unable to suppress the tears that were now streaming down her face.

This is not how she had imagined it.

This is not the perfect, professional procedure Jorge Vilda promised her before she signed the contract with the Spanish national team.

This - he - was anything but professional.

And it took a while for the blonde to calm down.

It was half an hour later, when she was able to pull herself together and strip from her uniform - that damn polo shirt with the patch of the Spanish football federation on the left side of her chest.

The patch she should be proud to wear instead of despising it. The white polo shirt she fired onto the armchair the moment after.

That's when, just as she had slipped into a more comfortable outfit, a soft knock resounded from the door of her single room.

"I'm not in the mood", Erin growls, her usually friendly, calm voice sullen as she ties her blonde hair up into a messy bun.

"Please...", was the faint voice resounding from the other side of the door, whereupon another gentle knock followed, as well as a quiet, "Open up"

Closing her eyes, Alexia's broken voice causing her heart to sink, Erin turns around, taking a deep, shaky inhale as she approaches the door.

She couldn't help it.

She couldn't control herself whenever it came to Alexia. She couldn't help herself around her.

For the captain was truly irresistible.

After opening the door without a word, the blonde takes a step back, tucking her cold hands into the pockets of her sweatpants, puffy eyes fixed on the stunningly beautiful woman in front of her.

The woman that was once again dressed in that green hoodie, warm, shaky hands hidden behind her back.

Why again did she give her that green hoodie?

"Bonita... I'm... I didn't...", Alexia stammers nervously as she runs her fingers through her bleached hair, hazel eyes fixed on the blonde in front of her as she continues, "I didn't mean to blame you, I-I didn't know that... um... that... if I had known that... that Jorge, he... I hurt you, and..."

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now