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let's explore the Ria/Ona issues more ☕️✍🏼

An hour had passed since the group embarked on their hike through the Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac.

Clutching Nala's purple leash with determination, the fluffy bundle of energy trotting alongside, the blonde felt a sense of relief being away from the bustling city, her joy compounded by the presence of a particular brunette.

Walking in sync, the captain accompanied her, warm hands holding onto the straps of her backpack, as usually a cap on her head, not wanting to run the risk of someone spotting her.

Safety first.

Before them, Ona took the lead, confidently striding a few feet ahead, while Ria lingered behind, torn between taking in the breathtaking view of Catalonias magnificent landscape, and her anxieties about a certain right back.

The natural park enveloped them with its enchanting beauty.

Towering ancient oaks spread their colossal branches, casting dappled shadows on the well-worn trail. Vibrant wildflowers adorned the path's edges, adding splashes of color to the lush green landscape. The faint scent of pine needles filled the air, carried on a gentle breeze that whispered secrets of the mountains.

"Isn't the view just magnificent?", Alexia remarks, her sparkling hazel eyes fixed on the sprawling scenery stretching before them.

Truly magnificent.

Unable to suppress the smile forming on her delicate lips, Erin's gaze was equally entranced by the picturesque panorama, "Indeed, it is"

With a deep breath, she savors the fresh mountain air, her eyes lingering on the beauty of this moment, "But still, nothing beats the Tora Coastal Walk in New Zealand... I guess that will forever be my favorite"

At the sound Erin's words and their underlying meaning, a warm blush graced Alexia's cheeks.

Her sparkling hazel eyes locked onto Erin's, their hands brushing against each other, silently exchanging a mix of emotions and love.

"How about you two stop being so disgustingly romantic?", Ria's voice, tinged with playfulness, interrupted them from behind. It brought the two to a standstill, and Nala, the little ball of fluff, growled protectively, ready to defend her beloved humans from this stranger.

With a reassuring pat between Nala's ears, Alexia chuckles along with Erin, amused by their friend.

"Well", the therapist quips with a grin on her lips, "maybe you should give us a bit more privacy, step up your game with Ona... we've set the perfect stage for you, and-"

"Now it's up to you to talk things out and find a solution", Alexia adds, her warm hand naturally finding its place on the small of Erin's back.

Ria rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath, her forest green eyes darting between the athlete and the therapist. She quickly complied, picking up her pace, purposefully striding toward Ona, who was resolutely ascending the hill.

She knew there was no point in arguing.

She knew they were right.

She knew she needed to talk to Ona.

Now all they could hear was the head coach's voice, carrying a mixture of nervousness and uncertainty, echoing through the otherwise calm surroundings, "Querida... you keep forgetting I'm not as fit as you. I'll need an oxygen tent as soon as I arrive at the top if you keep up that pace. This is not a competition, this is-"

But the right back cut her off, her determined, chocolate brown eyes fixed on the narrow path, steps getting even faster, feet carrying her all the way up the hill.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now