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So, it took 17 chapters to built up this storyline. A small filler chapter, and then things get out of ‚control'. Enjoy reading, or listening! ☕️✍🏼

Also, it's double update day! As you know, stars and comments make me super happy!

While the next week went by obscenely slow for everyone - for they couldn't wait to hop onto their plane to Auckland - time flew by for Alexia.

Tick. Tack. Tick. Tack.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner felt relieved when she was allowed to leave the crutches at home the day after her injury.

She was relieved when Erin gave the green light so she could join the team training four days later, as there were now only a couple of days until the first match of World Cup.

The tournament that meant everything to Alexia.

Especially after what happened last year.

So even with her left ankle slightly battered, the midfielder was as controlled and as focused as she'd never been before.

She was sticking to her strict diet and refused anything that deviated from her lifestyle, no matter how small the distraction.

But while she didn't mind eggs for breakfast, and still water as the only beverage, several sessions on the foam roller daily and a walk every morning after getting up, and every evening before going to bed, there was one thing that bothered Alexia in particular.

She could not deny that.

Because each and every time Alexia, the controlled and focused athlete that she was - the best - spotted a certain blonde, found herself on her way to Erin's therapy room, she couldn't help but wish that they didn't agree on keeping things professional.

Because Alexia would prefer Erin's company instead of going on those walk all by herself.

Every time she walked past her, every time she allowed herself to glance at the stunningly beautiful blonde standing at the sideline with her tablet, chewing on her bottom lip as she was so focused on the screen and her analysis, Alexia couldn't help but wish those rules didn't exist.

And as strange as it sounded.

She was missing Erin.

But the blonde was right with what she said right after her ankle injury. They should indeed keep things professional, for none of them wanted to risk Alexia getting even more distracted as she already was.

And that worked out quite well.

During training. During therapy. During the tons of meetings and the dozens of media appointments on Alexia's packed schedule. It all worked out.

Until one point.

The captain was surprisingly relaxed when a couple of days later, she found herself reclining in the soft leather of the passenger seat inside her sisters car, after the younger Putellas sibling had offered Alexia a ride to the airport.

And the two time Ballon D'Or winner would never turn down this offer, for she had way too much luggage with her, so much stuff she wanted to bring on her potential four week trip.

She better not tell anyone that one of those suitcases was only filled with sneakers.

"I'll see you in Auckland in a couple of days, hermana", Alba grins excitedly when she closes the trunk, before pulling her sister into tight embrace.

"Thank you for supporting me even though that means you traveling around the globe", Alexia breathes into the embrace, already missing her, pulling back from the embrace to peck her younger sisters cheek.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now