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The event night in Madrid was finally above them, an elegant tapestry woven from anticipation, laughter, and clinking glasses.

The atmosphere was calm, as if the tension inside this association had been released now that Jorge Vilda had stepped down from his position.


That's how most of the athletes and several members of the Real Federación Española de Fútbol felt about this.

Walking side by side on their way to the bar, Ria and Erin were dressed in a harmonious blend of casual and chic attire. The head coach's forest green eyes shimmered with excitement and a hint of nerves, while the blonde's gaze held a calm expression.

Today wasn't about her, after all.

Today was about Ria.

The brunette's confident demeanor radiated through her poised posture, a beige suit fitting her slender body to perfection, while Erin's calm exterior masked the rapid flutter of her heart beneath.

Their steps carried purpose as they navigated the sea of attendees, their unspoken camaraderie evident in every stride.

Amidst the ambient glow of the evening, Ria's presence attracted lots of attention.

Everyone was eager to welcome the new head coach, to meet her, to see the woman who had joined the federation, the woman who replaced the long-time head coach.

The expectations were high, and so were the aspirations.

There were goals to achieve, goals to which Ria Thomas was supposed to navigate the Spanish national team.

The future of this team is in Ria's hands.

Approaching the bar, their choice of drinks mirrored their personalities. Ria casually held a delicate glass of prickling champagne, the effervescence within reflecting her excitement.

Erin's choice, a glass of water, represented familiarity amidst the novelty of the evening. Ria's voice was a soothing melody that enveloped Erin, providing a moment of respite from the bustling atmosphere.

And at the same time, Erin was the calming influence, the safe space Ria so desperately needed to prevent herself from panicking out of nervousness.

Tonight, all eyes were on her.

All eyes were on Ria.

They silently observed the ebbs and flows of the event, the symphony of voices, elegant attire, and sparkling lights painted a vivid backdrop.

Occasionally, influent and not so influent people passed by to have a chat with the new head coach, while Erin performed her job - the silent listener - to perfection.

The room seemed to collectively hold its breath, as if waiting for the climactic moment that would shape the night.

The moment arrived as the doors swung open.

"She's here", Ria breathes, gently tapping the therapists shoulder as a subtle shift in the room's energy drew everyone's attention toward the entrance.

Erin's heart quickened, her twinkling eyes drawn to the doorway, a magnetic force pulling her gaze.

The source of this captivating energy emerge - Alexia, a figure that commanded attention with every step.

The blonde's breath caught as her eyes fixed on Alexia, the captain's presence was a study in contrasts, standing out in every crowd, a dark blue dress highlighting her athletic figure, bleached hair cascading in loose curls.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now