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After what felt like an eternity, the team finally made it to their hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, where the first match against Costa Rica would take place.

Acclimatization to the climate and some sweaty training sessions, as well as therapy and team building events were just a couple of points on the teams' packed schedule.

The one with the most stressful schedule, however, was Alexia.

No surprise.

For everyone in this country, the media, the press, the fans, simply everyone, seemed to be excited having the two time Ballon D'Or winner in town.

Plus, the midfielder still wasn't sure if she'd be allowed to play in the first game, wanting nothing more than to represent her country as captain.

And it was the day before Spains first match, Australia and New Zealand currently playing their opening matches of the tournament, when Alexia was on her way to the therapy room reserved for the Spanish elite team.

Knocking at the door twice as she took a nervous inhale, and then slowly exhaled, the captain felt her heart skip a beat as a soft, "Come in" resounds from inside.

And even though Alexia had made perfect progress with her ankle during the past couple of days, and had been sure she'd get the ‚green light' for tomorrows match throughout today, she felt adrenaline pumping through her veins as she stepped into the therapy room.

"Hola", the blonde therapist - dressed in the white polo shirt with the patch of the Spanish National team above her heart - greets her with the softest of smiles on her delicate lips.

The power that smile held.

"Um... hola, Erin", Alexia blushes as she quietly closes the door shut behind her, running her fingers through her tousled, slightly damp hair as she allows her eyes to wander through the therapy room.

It was cozy.

A little smaller than the ones they had at their modern training facility back in Barcelona, but the view was incredible, way better than it was back home.

The slightly modern facilty, built a little further up the hill, offered a fantastic view over the Bay of Wellington.

East Harbour Regional Park and its green forests were visible on the other side of the Bay, fading in the scenery and behind the evening glow reflecting in the azure sea.

"That view is... increible", Erin breathes, sparkling eyes fixed on the beautiful scenery taken place in front of the giant window front, as she had her hands clasped in front of her body.

"Si... I've never been to New Zealand before and I have to admit... the nature here is absolutely breathtaking. Sad we don't have time to go on a hike", Alexia replies with a shy voice, her cheeks flushed in that light shade of rose as Erin pivots on her toes, the blondes eyes twinkling back at her.

The power those eyes held.

"You look tired", was the first thought on Erin's mind as she takes in the sight of the clearly exhausted captain in front of her.

Dressed in a pair of shorts and a red hoodie, the perfectly tanned skin of Alexia's flawless visage was drowned out by blue shadows forming beneath those tired, hazel eyes.

The last few days had definitely left their marks.

"I am", was the midfielders quiet response, eyes shifting back and forth between Erin and the incredible scenery outside the window.

„And you're exhausted...", the blonde adds with a hint of concern in her voice, reaching out to tug the captain towards her, pulling at the material of Alexia's red hoodie ever so slightly, as she heard the midfielders breathing hitch.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now