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i'm such a tease and i know it 👀☕️✍🏼

Erin's heart was racing as she navigated the seemingly endless corridor of the modern hotel, the conversation with Alexia and the past few hours echoing vividly in her mind.

The power that woman held.

The weight of those moments clung to her like a lingering fragrance, refusing to dissipate.

Her cold fingers trembled slightly as she fumbled the key card from her pocket, the memory of Alexia's comforting touch still sending shivers down her spine, and throughout her entire system.

The power her touch held.

The sensation of their hands resting atop each other on the center console during the drive back to the hotel remained etched in her memory, a potent mixture of familiarity and intimacy that both had been longing for.

Erin had missed that feeling.

Erin had missed her.

The therapist had welcomed Alexia's offer to take her back to the hotel after their talk, recognizing the inherent risks of traversing the nocturnal city alone.

The dim light from the hallway casted a soft glow on the wooden surface as the blonde approached the modern hotel room shared with Ria, the muffled sounds of the city outside seeming to fade into the background.

Hoping to slip inside without waking her friend, the therapist gently turned the doorknob, pushing the door open, trying her best to make no noise.

But as the door swung open, Erin's heart skipped a beat as she spotted Ria sitting at the desk in front of their bed, glasses perched up on her nose, brunette mid-length hair half pulled up in a messy bun.

Papers and documents were scattered across the entire desk, onto the floor even.

The glow of the laptop screen illuminated her focused expression, while the warm glow of the desk lamp provided a muted counterpoint.

"You're back late", Ria's voice breaks the silence, sounding concentrated, her forest green eyes fixed on the screen.

Softly closing the door behind her as her cheeks flush slightly, Erin whispers, "Yeah... I didn't mean to wake you"

Removing her glasses, Ria rubs her tired, forest green eyes, before swiveling her chair to face the blonde.

Glancing down at her watch, her astonishment was evident when she checks the time, "It's... 2am?! You're back very late. That can either be a very good or a not-so-good sign. How did it go?"

Nodding slightly, the therapist felt a mixture of embarrassment and relief as she removed her shoes, setting them aside, the emotions of the evening still dancing beneath her skin as she sighs, "Yeah... we had a long conversation"

Ria's gaze softens as she looks at her friend, watching as the exhausted blonde perches down on the comfortable bed, slender legs dangling from the edge of the mattress.

She reaches out, her fingers gently brushing against Erin's knee as she offers a tender smile, "Are you okay, Sweetie?"

The therapist's gaze met Ria's, finding solace in her friend's presence.

"I... think so", she replies, a small shrug accompanying her words, "It was... intense, but... it was good. I realized how much I missed her. I really missed her, Ria"

"I can tell...", the head coach smiles, her voice soft as forest green eyes focus on the exhausted blonde perched on the edge of the bed, "She's good for you"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now