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If Erin could have foreseen the enchantment that awaited her the following morning, she might have chosen to linger in the embrace of sleep a little longer.

The day began with a touch of magic.

Awakening, the therapist's senses gradually returned to her from the seductive dreamscape that cradled her in its tender embrace.

The first thing she noticed was that she was lying outdoors - alone - a gentle breeze whispering over her pale skin like a lover's caress.

The next thing she noticed was the thin blanket, the smooth material that adorned her naked figure, her bare, slender body, and the rhythmic cadence of the ocean's sighs in her senses.

She's completely bewildered as she wakes up, feeling Nala, the little ball of fluff, curled up at her feet, lost in slumber.

Bewildered, the therapist's tired eyes flutter open, a sense of disorientation washing over her like the gentle tide.

A fleeting moment of uncertainty flickered across her mind as she tried to piece together the fragments of the previous night.

What happened?

Where is she?

What time is it?

Did they fall asleep under the stars?

But then, the memories of the intoxicating night returned to her like a vivid dream as she sits up, cold fingers holding onto the blanket, the thin comforter covering her bare chest, her pale skin.

Last night had been a dream.

All of a sudden, every sensation from last night flooded her senses - how good Alexia's smooth, perfectly tanned skin felt beneath her cold fingertips, beneath her gentle caress.

The taste of the captain's tender lips, laced with the memory of wine, the tantalizing touch that made her body crave for more.

Images of the captain, her gorgeous, bare, athletic body crossed her mind.

The way Alexia made her feel, the shared passion. The way the brunette's underwear was completely ruined, damp and soaked with arousal that didn't seem to stop.

Last night had been a dream.

With these thoughts lingering, the therapist reaches for her shirt, precisely folded and placed beside her by the two time Ballon D'Or winner, a testament to the intimate connection they had shared.

Just as the blonde had pulled the shirt over her head, the white material covering her upper body, she spotted someone stepping outside, holding two cups of coffee that carried the scent of caramel - a fragrance that was as seductive, as addictive, as Alexia herself.

Alexia was addiction.

The captain's bleached hair was gathered in a messy bun, her sparkling hazel eyes smoldering with allure, a soft, contended smile gracing her tender lips.

If Erin didn't know better, she'd say the midfielder's tender, so kissable looking lips were still swollen from last night, making her wonder if the mixture of arousal and expensive wine still lingered on them.

If they still tasted like this.

Just the thought about it had the blonde's heart leap, and it seemed to jump out of her chest as she noticed the midfielder's athletic figure hugged in a dark blue silk robe.

At the sight of the gorgeous brunette, the blonde couldn't help but bite down on her bottom lip, the urge to repeat last night very present in her mind.

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