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did you ever consider giving a chapter this little star? so many people don't, even though they keep reading. stars and comments are the only payment i get for hours upon hours of work every week, to  create this. so if you enjoy reading, it'd be nice if you... you know

Raising an eyebrow, Erin's heart skips a beat at the unexpected proposal.

Staring into Ria's forest green eyes, her delicate lips pursed in surprise, she searches for a sign of jest, but only finds sincerity and determination.

"Are you serious?", the blonde asks, excitement filling her usually so calm voice as she nervously fiddles with her fingers, gazing at the brunette woman in front of her, whose smirk didn't go unnoticed by the therapist.

The determined expression on her flawless visage caused Erin to answer her own quesiton with a simple, "Oh, I get it. You... you are... serious"

Ria nods, her expression unwavering.

The therapists mind was racing with thoughts and emotions.

"Absolutely. You're the best therapist I know, Sweetie. Having you on board would be a huge asset to the team. Plus, I can't imagine doing this without you", the head coach replies, her eyes filled with anxiety as she looks at Erin, hoping, no, begging for the blonde to agree.

She couldn't do this without her.

A million thoughts race through Erin's mind, the idea of working with Ria, in such professional surroundings with the chance to create something huge, something of so much importance and significance, not only overwhelming, but also thrilling and daunting her.

But deep down, she knew it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

She had been with the Spanish national team for weeks now. And if there was one thing Erin knew, it was that this team needed change.

This team needed someone like Ria.

"I... I'm really honored, Ria", the blonde stammers, her unsure gaze shifting to the pouring rain outside, which heavily pelted down on the empty streets of Manchester, flooding the cobblestones with water, while soft, soothing music resounded through the cozy café.

The blonde hesitates, stammering, "But I... I don't know if I'm ready to"-

"I know it's a big decision for you too, Erin. Take your time and think about it", the brunette reassures her, folding her cold hands over Erin's as her lips form into a sincere smile, telling her, "But you're the best person for this job. We both know that"

Nodding slightly, the blonde averts her gaze from the pouring rain, briefly looks at Ria, before allowing her eyes to wander around the small, cozy café, processing what the head coach had said.

Only a handful of tables were occupied.

An old couple - also regulars - was sitting in the corner.

The old man, glasses perched on his nose, was reading his daily paper while sipping his coffee, while his wife, curly red hair, solved a crossword puzzle, thoughtfully tapping her ballpoint pen against her bottom lip, a delicately scented cup of herbal tea to her right.

A few tables further on sat a young, slender man dressed in a suit.

He might be on lunch break before heading to another client appointment, spending it with a bagel and a cup of tea. The red tie that was tied around his neck, the dark blue suit jacket thrown over the chair beside him, and the nerd glasses on his nose indicated that he really intended to be serious about the financial newspaper in his hands.

Last but not least, there was a young blonde woman sitting at a table right by the window, hair tied up in a messy bun, while her eyes kept wandering back and forth between the screen of her laptop and the pouring rain outside, as her fingers rapidly punched into the keyboard.

Erin had never seen this woman, a caramel cappuccino to her left, before, although she visited the café - typically known by local onlys - on an almost daily basis.

What could this woman be working on?

"Sweetie? Are you still here?", Ria's calm voice, drowned out by a soft chuckle, causes Erin to look up, snaps her out of a world of thoughts and back into the present.

Soon, the therapist realizes that the head coach had already risen, preparing to leave.

"Um, yeah... yeah, sure", Erin replies, watching as Ria throws the wet coat over her shoulders, before stuffing the envelope into the inside pocket.

"Think about it... okay? I don't want to push you, but... I need you", Ria whispers, steps up to the blonde and allowed her cold fingers to brush through the blonde strands of Erin's hair, before she leans down to press a kiss against the therapists forehead, adding, "Besides... I saw the way you look at her"

She knew her so well.

Better than anyone else.

And with a knowing smirk on her lips, and without another word, Ria turns, waves to the barista at the counter, and exits the cozy café, stepping into the pouring rain.

The therapist watches as the slender, slightly taller brunette disappears into the foggy autumn day with the hood pulled over her head, cold hands tucked into the pockets of her warm, comfortable coat.

And now that she was alone, a half-full cup of coffee beside her, Erin slowly but surely became aware of the offer she'd just received.

With a sigh, the blonde fumbled her phone out of her coat pocket to check the time.

The clock appears on the screen - it was just after 4pm in the North of England - before Erin's eyes perceive the background picture, colored in a filter of black and white.

She had set it up shortly after landing in Manchester a couple of weeks ago.

The memories shared with Alexia, the wonderful time spent with the gorgeous brunette, were as real as if they happened just yesterday. And even weeks after the way-too-fast goodbye at the airport, her heart was still jumping at every thought of her.

The power that woman held.

The background image - the snapshot of the two of them in the van on their way back to Wellington after their magical road trip - was a reminder that their time in New Zealand had ended far too soon.

So much Erin had wanted Spain to make it to the finals of the World Cup, just to be able to spend more time with her.

With Alexia.

The background image was a reminder of every loving, caring touch, every sincere word, and every incredible moment they shared with each other, despite the heavy, oppressive surroundings.

It was a reminder that the blonde had managed Alexia to relinquish control, while the gorgeous brunette had no idea how much Erin had needed that herself.

But the picture was also a reminder that Alexia's life was very different from Erin's, though their connection was undeniable.

It was also a painful reminder that Erin had simply left without saying another word.

It was a reminder that she had left Alexia behind at the airport without saying goodbye, without an explanation, without calling her back, even though she had promised to.

She had promised and had not kept her word.

"Trust me", Erin had said, over and over again, her words so honest and so real that Alexia believed them, and possibly still held onto them today.


And without giving it much thought, Erin taps around on her phone, dialing what was probably the only number she knew by heart, holding the phone against her ear as she gazes outside into the pouring rain pelting down on the empty streets of Manchester.

"Sweetie?", a calm, familiar voice resounds, a concerned one that asks, "Is everything alright?"

"When do we leave?", was the only question Erin needed an answer to.


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