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i just need one single chapter to cause a little trouble. let me show you 😈

A couple of hours later, the moon standing high above New Zealand's most populated city, it had become quiet in the junior suite located on the top floor of the modern hotel, occupied by Alexia Putellas.

Strong, perfectly tanned arms were tightly wrapped around the blonde's slender body, Erin's bare back pressed against Alexia's front as the two time Ballon D'Or winner held her close.

The brunettes head was nuzzled into the back of Erin's neck, tender, still swollen lips brushing against the therapists smooth, pale skin.

And while the stunningly beautiful blonde was fast asleep, the last hours activities having left their marks, Alexia's state steadily changed.

One minute she was asleep, the next wide awake, then she dozed off again.

She always struggled with falling asleep after matches.

But what didn't change, no matter the state, were the deep, relaxed breaths tickling against Erin's neck from behind, mixed with the softest of smiles that hadn't left Alexia's tender lips ever since the therapist had stepped into her room earlier.

She enjoyed the feeling of Erin's slender body so close to hers, the white blanket pulled over both their naked, exhausted bodies, tired limbs entangled beneath the comforter.

And the captain wouldn't want it any other way.

She enjoyed the quiet, peaceful sensation and the closeness, coupled with the refreshing breeze blowing in through the opened window of Alexia's junior suite.

This was dreamlike.

This was better than anything the two time Ballon D'Or winner had ever imagined.

It was shortly after midnight when, all of a sudden, a loud knock sounded on the door of the Spanish midfielder, causing the brunettes entire body to freeze.

"Alexia!", was the harsh, deep voice that rang out moments later, the captain remembering what part of her evening routine she had pushed into the back of her mind as Jorge calls out a loud, "Room check!"


Another knock resounded, shortly followed by the door handle being pushed down, whereupon the head coach realizes that the door to Alexia's junior suite had been locked.

Much to his disappointment.

For he expected all of his athletes to follow the rules he'd set for this team. The rules he made clear before they traveled to New Zealand.

"What's... wrong?", wonders a faint, tired voice, Erin's exhausted body shifting slightly as the therapist senses the captain's strong arms release her.

The power that touch held.

"Go back to sleep, Bonita...", the captain whispers into the blondes neck, brushing a few strands of hair from Erin's flawless visage, before she sits up, mumbling a calm, "I'll be right back"

To say the midfielder was nervous was an understatement.

As Alexia made her way across the giant room and towards the door, slipping into the comfortable material of the bathrobe provided for her by the spa, her heart was pounding furiously.

Warm palms were getting sweaty, too scared she was of Jorge's reaction regarding the fact that she had locked up her room - something no athlete was allowed to do.

Taking a deep breath, calming her nerves, the two time Ballon D'Or winner unlocks the door, opening up just a tiny gap.

"Hola...", Alexia breathes, mentally preparing herself for the confrontation she was about to face.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now