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happy double update day. ☕️✍🏼

i want to say that this and the next chapters have been ready for a while. let's see if i predict the next match correctly.

World class.

It was this single word that the two-time Ballon D'Or winner couldn't shake from her mind in the days leading up to the next match. It was a word she had strived for, a category she wanted to place herself in. Everyone, from the coach to the fans, had high expectations of her.

World class.

Yet, this word also brought immense pressure and stress. It represented years of relentless hard work and determination. The ambition to never give up. It was a burden few could comprehend. A burden few would ever understand.

World class.

And it was also the word that would be of enormous importance in the following days, especially in the round of 16 match against Switzerland.

On the morning of August 5, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand's vibrant port city, was veiled in rain.

How else would the country at the end of the world, which is known for a diverse array of nature, present itself?

Alexia found herself in a tunnel.

She was completely focused on the game against Switzerland, the tactical meetings and preparations of the past few days on her mind, as she trailed behind a bunch of teammates along Viaduct Harbour with her headphones plugged into her ears, hands shoved into the pockets of her warm team jacket.

Today was the day she had to deliver. Today was the day she needed to prove her worth. The day she had to fulfill the expectations everyone had of her. Today she needed to be world class.

As usual on the morning of an important game day, the midfielder found herself in a trance. Highly focused and concentrated.

Because that was all that mattered.

Amid the giggles and laughter of her teammates, her mind kept wandering to Erin, the slender blonde she couldn't help but be drawn to. And even though Alexia was completely focused on the upcoming match against Switzerland, she kept catching herself as her mind drifted to Erin.

She couldn't help it. She couldn't help herself.

She couldn't control her mind whenever it came to the stunningly beautiful blonde.

Because on top of the pressure to perform world-class today, alongside her focus on the match, Alexia was haunted by the fear of losing Erin, haunted by the fear that their journey might end today.

It was the fear of losing Erin.

And it was the respect for the opponent, who had not performed excellently in the group stage of the World Cup and was therefore quite beatable, but still contained world class players.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner's sparkling hazel eyes were fixed on the ground, the perfectly arranged cobblestones pelted with rain, when all of a sudden, the brunette became aware of the footsteps beside her.

And Alexia would not have allowed anyone to disturb her concentration.

No one. Except for her.

The power that woman held.

Unable to hide the smile that was forming on her tender lips as she removed her headphones, a soft, gentle, "Hola, Bonita" escaped her mouth.

It caused goosebumps to grow all over the pale skin of the therapist's slender body, as Erin felt Alexia's warm presence beside her.

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