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you know what's a great feeling? the phone switched off for a while. ☕✍🏼

The phone was trembling in Erin's hand, her cold hand sweaty as she dialed Ria's number for the umpteenth time, her heart sinking with each unanswered ring.

Ria, the person who's been a sister for her from a very young age, was suddenly unreachable.

Panic clenched its fingers around the therapist's chest, her breathing unbearably heavy as she stared at her phone's screen.

Desperation drove her to open the internet, her trembling fingers navigating to news websites in languages she could barely understand, scanning the headlines for any clues.

English or Spanish, it didn't matter.

On every news site, the news was the same.

The secret they had been guarding so fiercely for more than two years was now exposed, splashed across screens and headlines worldwide.

A nightmare.

Erin's eyes darted over images and stories, her mind racing with wild theories about the consequences of this revelation

Their well-guarded secret of more than two years was exposed, plastered across screens and headlines worldwide, like a nightmare coming to life.

It was the very scenario Ria had feared, the reason she kept her relationship with Ona so private.

It was the reason she didn't hug her after games, the reason she never held her hand when walking along the beach, and the reason she never kissed her publicly.

It was the reason they sneaked into each others hotel rooms at night when on away games and the reason they sat far away from each other during breakfast, so no one would the feelings they had for each other.

It was the reason they never took pictures together and never captured their memories.

It was the reason they'd broke up several times, the reason their days off turned into never-ending Argumente.

It was the reason why Ona had transferred to Barcelona, and it was the reason why Ria reconsidered her transfer to Spain several times.

The head coach had endured her own emotional turmoil rather than risking the world's judgment.

And now, that worst-case scenario had become a grim reality.

A nightmare.

As the blonde's gaze remained fixed on the screen, her jaw clenched, her heart pounding furiously, she couldn't help but think about the consequences they were about to face.

She didn't even notice as the door to the roof top terrace is pushed open, Alexia stepping outside with Nala in tow, the little ball of fluff trailing behind her with her favorite toy between her teeth. The athlete had dressed hastily and now carried a bag with fresh clothing for the therapist.

The blonde barely acknowledged the outfit, her focus consumed by the unfolding crisis.

"She's not picking up", Erin mutters in frustration, tossing her phone aside, her voice broken as she covers her face with trembling hands, aware of the potential consequences of these revelations.

A nightmare.

"Bonita", Alexia whispers softly, perching down beside her on the comfortable cushions of the lounge, gently tucking a few strands of Erin's blonde hair behind her ear.

"She'll be okay", Alexia coos, her voice filled with reassurance and comfort, "They'll be okay"

Taking a deep, shaky breath, resting her head against Alexia's chest, the therapist momentarily found solace in the brunette's comforting embrace, the captains strong arms tightly wrapping around her slender body.

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