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The World Cup is finally there and I'm so excited!

It was the morning of July 26th.

The day of the second group match in Group C of the Women's World Cup in New Zealand and Australia.

The day when the world's sixth-ranked team would meet their opponent, Zambia, the clear underdog in this duel.

In the early morning hours, as the sun rises over the east of Auckland, known for the perfect blend of urban culture and breathtaking nature, rays of sun filter through half closed curtains of the single room Erin and Alexia had shared last night.

That night had been a dream.

Even though they passed out completely overtired and exhausted, it was probably the quietest night they both had experienced recently.

That was, until the moment footsteps were heard outside of Erin's door, causing the blonde to stir.

She had always been a light sleeper.

Cracking an eye open, her slender arm numb from the weight of Alexia's body, which had been laying half on top of hers all night, and hadn't moved an inch since, Erin shifts ever so slightly, trying her best not to wake the sleeping beauty.

Her right side was pressed against the cold wall, Alexia to her left, almost falling off the edge of the mattress, the narrow bed obviously too small for two people.

Which did not negatively affect the quality of their sleep in the slightest.

Cold fingers gently graze through bleached, tousled hair, brushing them out of Alexia's face, while Erin's delicate lips were pressed against the captain's head, whispering a faint, "Bon dia"

Stirring slightly as a final, soft snore escapes her tender lips, the athlete murmurs a tired, hoarse, "Your Catalan is getting better"

Chuckling softly, finding the athlete adorable, the blonde can't help but allow herself to press a gentle kiss against the midfielders head, silently telling Alexia that it was time to wake up.

But, no chance.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner didn't even notice, for within a second, Alexia was back in her dream world, a world in which she didn't have to leave the bed for the next couple of hours.

A world more perfect than reality could ever be.

A world in which she was always in control.

"Ale...", was Erin's calm voice interrupting her peaceful sleep for a second time, a soft, "The others are already on their way to breakfast", reminding the captain that it was indeed time to leave her dream world.

As much as she hated it.

"Can't we just order breakfast from room service?", the captain yawns with a hoarse voice, no intention of getting up soon, now slowly but surely awakening, hazel eyes catching the light of day.

That causes Erin to giggle.

"Well, first of all, I'm not sure if room service even supplies the cheap rooms", Erin notes dryly, allowing her cold fingertips to trail down the midfielders athletic back as she continues, "and secondly, I think everyone would notice your absence. Imagine Mapi-"

"Ok, we need to get to breakfast now! Before Mapi and Martha gang up and start making crazy assertions again", Alexia responds, abruptly sitting up as she realizes the impact her absence from breakfast could possibly have, and pulls down her tank top, which had slipped up a bit during the night.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now