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Late that evening, back in the capital of Catalonia, Erin found herself resting against the railing of Alexia's rooftop terrace.

Visiting the two time Ballon D'Or winners spacious, modernly furnished apartment, situated in an affluent area of Barcelona, was a contrast to their previous encounters in hotel rooms and the magnificent nature of New Zealand.

Erin's surprise at the luxurious setting was evident in her gaze, which momentarily wandered from the sea before her to the starry sky stretching above the bustling city.

It was a scene of sheer magic.

It was a dream.

Lost in the breathtaking view, a soft, fluffy ball of fur curled around Erin's feet, while the therapists elbows were propped up on the balcony railing, the blonde taken by surprise when a calm voice chimed in behind her, "Enjoying the view?"

It was Alexia, now dressed in a casual, sporty black dress that contrasted with her hiking attire, the captains athletic figure accentuated by the knee-length dress. Her long, bleached hair was tied up in a messy bun, the moonlight kissing her perfectly tanned skin, making her appear nothing short of perfection.

A happy smile formed on the blondes delicate lips as she turned around, careful not to startle Nala, one of her cold hands holding onto the railing.

For a moment, she allowed her gaze to roam over the two time Ballon D'Or winner.

The smoldering expression in Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes made Erin's heart melt, she took her time to admire the gorgeous brunette, until her gaze fell upon two glasses and a bottle of wine, firmly held in the midfielders hands.

Alexia carefully placed them on the smaller table beside the lounge furniture that occupied only part of the vast rooftop terrace.

"I thought you don't drink on-season", Erin teases, breaking the silence, her eyes following Alexia's graceful movements as she walked across the terrace, kicking a ball toward Nala to lure the little princess away from Erin.

As the little ball of fluff excitedly bounced away, fetching the ball, the blonde turned around fully, still overwhelmed by everything that had happened today, still overwhelmed that she was actually here.

Inside Alexia's home.

She watched as the captain opened the bottle, filling the two perfectly polished wine glasses up to the brim.

"Hm, it would be rude to let my special guest drink alone, wouldn't it?", Alexia replies with a calm voice, striding towards Erin with the two glasses in hand, filled with expensive white wine.

Her black knee-length dress hugged her athletic body to perfection, and suddenly, the blonde felt extremely underdressed in her sweatpants and shirt – the same clothing she had lent Alexia back in New Zealand.

At least it was hers.

"Well, you could get me drunk...", the therapist remarks, a flirtatious tone tingling her voice as she accepts one of the glasses, unable to take her eyes off the captain, "... and take advantage of me"

A smirk formed on the brunettes tender lips as she clinked her drink against Erin's, leaning against the railing beside her, bringing the glass to her lips, "Why would I want to take advantage of something that already is mine?"


Erin's eyes dilate at the sound of that word, and she sensed her heart hammering into her chest as she felt Alexia's strong arm wrap around her waist, pulling her in.

The power that word held.

"Yours?", Erin wonders, her breath hitching in her throat as their bodies pressed together, the captain taking a sip from her glass, holding it in the little space between them.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now