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i decided to be 'good' for once and not let you wait any longer. enjoy ☕️✍🏼

There was only the blondes name that was buzzing through her head. Otherwise, Alexia's mind was completely empty.

Just the two of them mattered as their one day road-trip went by, the rented camper ‚Robert' still at the same spot by the crystal clear, azure blue waters of Stony Bay.

They never wanted to leave this place.

And as if trapped in freedom, that didn't change as it abruptly started to rain, causing the two of them to hurry towards the camper, their skin and clothing wet, hair damp and disheveled.

A normal winter day on the other side of the world.

"I feel like you are trying to seduce me", were the captain's hoarse, honest words, brimming with happiness as Alexia fell onto her back, commenting the rain, Erin to her left, as they both slumped down on the mattress.

With the smallest of smiles gracing her delicate lips, the blonde allowed her head to turn to the side, admiring Alexia's flawless visage.

She was stunningly beautiful.

Biting down on her bottom lip, the therapist couldn't help but wonder, "And is it... working?"

Sparkling hazel eyes glance at the slender woman to her left, a light shade of rose covering Alexia's cheeks as she whispers a faint, "It is working"

Dark clouds adorned the sky above the camper, dense fog visible over the glass roof of the car as they both gazed upward.

And despite the sound of the heavy rain hitting the roof above them, it was the calmest and most relaxing thing that could've happened in that moment.

No one was there.

Wide and far there was not a single human being to be seen.

It was just the camper on the lonely beach - Robert - surrounded by the shoreline and the never-ending, breathtakingly beautiful green landscape.

The seals at the shore had long since hunkered down, the birds had disappeared as well, escaping from the rain.

"I think the rain is too heavy right now... we shouldn't go any further until it get's a little less", Erin breaks the silence after a couple of seconds, standing up to rummage through the cabinets of the camper's kitchen in order to find a pot.

"I'd never complain about being stuck with you", Alexia smirks, the midfielder dressed in the sports bra and the pair of Nike shorts she had brought with her, adding hopefully, "Maybe it'll keep raining like this until tomorrow... I've never slept in a camper before"

Dark, hazel eyes follow the blondes every move as Erin turns on the gas stove, placing the pot, now filled with water, on top of it.

There wouldn't be coffee here, but tea was fine.

As an exception.

"Well, I'm pretty sure your teammates wouldn't appreciate your absence from practice tomorrow morning. Wouldn't they notice?", shrugs Erin, rummaging the cupboard for a pair of aluminum mugs.

"I don't care", was the calm, unexpected response the blonde received.

The power those words held.

"You have to care, though", Erin replies with a soft voice, aware what the athletes words meant.

Because hearing Alexia say those words was proof enough that the captain hadn't managed to banish her feelings for Erin from her mind and focus on the tournament.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now