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Alexia didn't mean to say it.

She really didn't.

She didn't mean to blurt out the confession that had been brewing inside her chest for the last couple of months as the stunningly beautiful blonde danced with her, swaying their hips to the beat in rhythm.

But she couldn't help it.
She couldn't control it.

She couldn't control the way her heart was pounding, furiously hammering into her chest, as those ice cold hands hold her by the waist, nails digging into the sensitive skin just above her hip, brushing small circles over the exposed, perfectly tanned, skin.

Sparkling, though darkened hazel eyes grow wide at the realization of what she'd just said, cheeks blushing scarlet as Alexia stares at Erin, noticing the way the blondes delicate lips purse in surprise.

She didn't expect that.
She really didn't.

"You...", the blonde starts, eyes wide.

"I'm so... mierda... I didn't mean to say that... I just...", was the captains vulnerable, unsure voice cutting her of in an instant, Alexia's sweaty palms trembling as she held the blonde close.

Despite all, she couldn't let go of her.

Closing her eyes in embarrassment, cheeks burning as she felt her mind going crazy, Alexia's heart stopped at the blondes surprising response.

"You want to relinquish control? Now is it bad you're desiring this?", shrugs Erin, a gentle, playful smile forming on her delicate lips as she slowly allows her  cold fingertips to trail up Alexia's athletic back.

The midfielder didn't expect that kind of response.

Though she would never complain.

And before Alexia could answer, not realizing she'd been holding her breath for a couple of seconds, her entire body shivered as the blonde leans in, delicate lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck.

Erin's cold hands brush loose strands of perfectly bleached hair aside, granting herself better access to the captains neck as she lightly presses her lips against Alexia's perfectly tanned skin.

She was hesitant first, wanting nothing more than for Alexia - the irresistible woman that she was - to feel comfortable enough with her to let herself fall into the embrace.

To enjoy herself.

To switch off her mind.

To allow herself to lose control.

"It's... I don't know... is it a... bad thing?", Alexia breathes nervously, mind spinning as she tries to control herself - tries.

But the attempt of doing so was pointless, the softest of whimpers slipping from her throat.

She couldn't help it.

And the beautiful sound of it was enough of a permission for Erin, the only response she needed from Alexia to do exactly what she wanted ever since she spotted her at the bar earlier.

For the captain was stunning.
Simply stunning.

"It's not", was the only response the gorgeous blonde could think of, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt goosebumps rise on Alexia's perfectly tanned skin on each spot she'd caressed.

As if her touch was magical.

Cold palms roam up the captains sides, lightly slipping beneath the hem of Alexia's crop top, while warm hands tighten their grip around the blondes slender body, holding her close.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now