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i couldn't resist and decided to be good for once ✍🏼

Alexia felt her breath hitch at the sound of the door being locked.

She felt her bare body shiver, the excitement causing goosebumps to cover her perfectly tanned skin.

"W... what are you doing?", the midfielder pants, making sure she wasn't imagining this, reassuring herself that this wasn't her mind playing games with her.

And she felt her heart rate pick up when, all of a sudden, Erin's body was so close, delicate lips tentatively brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck, replying in a seductive whisper, "What you've been asking for"

Those words let the excitement brew.

Shifting slightly, the feeling of Erin's presence so close, causes the athletes entire body to shiver.

Was this a dream?

"But... didn't you just say this would be-"

"That's what I said", the blonde replies, brushing her tongue across her bottom lip as she steps up to the side of the therapy bench, allowing her cold palms to rest on the brunettes lower back.

Alexia's skin was burning.

Feeling the captain tense beneath her touch, goosebumps covering every inch of her perfectly tanned skin, the therapist couldn't help but smirk as her hands kept massaging the captains athletic back.

"Just... breathe", the blonde whispers, her heart hammering into her chest as her cold hands roam up Alexia's athletic back, lingering there to work on her tense neck, before slowly massaging down her spine.

That's when, much to Alexia's surprise, just when she was about to say something else, something to make sure she didn't pressure Erin into doing this, she felt the blondes cold, talented fingers slipping beneath the thin material of her black laced slip, looping into the sides, before tugging the fabric downwards.

"B... Bonita...", Alexia shivers, taken off guard, another wave of arousal rushing throughout her entire system as Erin frees her from her last piece of clothing, pulling the fabric down her athletic legs.

"Hm?", Erin breathes, dropping the thin material on the stack of precisely folded clothes.

"I'm sorry for asking you to do this... to help me... and...", the captain stammers, turning her head to the side, darkened hazel eyes twinkling at Erin as she says, "And for leaving this early the morning after... you know"

Those words had the blondes heart skip a beat.

That night had been a dream.

While massaging the back of Alexia's thigh, Erin felt the smallest of smiles tugging on her delicate lips as she momentarily averts her eyes from the midfielders back, meeting those sparkling hazel ones.

The captains eyes were dark from arousal.

Almost black, even.

"Don't be sorry... it's in the past now", the blonde whispers softly, taking a deep breath as she averts her gaze from Alexia, her cheeks flushing in that light shade of rose, the mentioned night still very present in her mind.

How could she ever forget that?

"You're stunningly beautiful, Bonita", the brunette tells her honestly, a smoldering expression on her flawless, though tired, visage.

A comfortable silence fell over the therapy room reserved for the Spanish National team, the sun setting in front of the giant window front.

The captain felt her breathing relax, though her heart seemed to skip a beat each and every time Erin's ice cold, talented hands brushed over her perfect behind, or along the insides of her thighs.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now