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Alexia's smile softens further, her hazel eyes locking onto Erin's gaze with an intensity that's hard to ignore.

The power those eyes held.

She responds in a gentle manner, her voice carrying a soothing cadence, "Well... I haven't made my decision yet"

The honesty in her words is palpable, a genuine sincerity that reflects the control she held over her thoughts, her expressions.

In this moment, Alexia felt in control of herself and the situation. She had the necessary control, perhaps even more than she's had in a while.

Because maybe, just maybe, she had relinquished a little too much control to Erin over the past few months.

The therapist's shoulders lift in a shy shrug, her demeanor a mixture of uncertainty and vulnerability that paints a delicate portrait against the backdrop of the event.

"You... haven't?", Erin's voice holds a trace of surprise, her gaze momentarily flitting to the empty champagne glass on the counter top in front of her, as if seeking a temporary respite from the intensity of their conversation.

She now wished it was full, needing the liquid courage to navigate this emotional juncture.

Yes, a glass of prickling champagne would help.

"No", Alexia confirms, a slight shrug accompanying her words while her smile remains tender, unwavering, "I wanted to wait and see... how tonight goes"

The blonde's eyes dilate.

Was this an... allusion?

Curiosity piqued, Erin tilting her head ever so slightly, her gaze fixated on Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes.

The power those eyes held.

Sensing a complex mixture of emotions within the captain, a blend of hope and apprehension seemed to revolve around the decision the midfielder is yet to make.

"And is there... a tendency?", Erin breathes, voice trembling with curiosity and vulnerability, though her attention momentarily wavers as she observes Ria engrossed in conversation with two distinguished gentlemen, both donning impeccably tailored suits.

Those men held positions of influence within the Federation, and their expectations of the head coach were undoubtedly tremendous.

Alexia's gaze remains on the stunningly beautiful blonde, a playful glint flickering at the corners of her tender lips as she sensed the therapist zone out.

"Bonita?", the midfielder chuckles softly, the word laden with warmth, "Did you hear my response?"


The power that word held.

Erin's cheeks flush, a mixture of embarrassment and apology coloring her flawless visage as she redirects her complete attention to the two time Ballon D'Or winner, her gaze once again ensnared by the brunette's sparkling hazel eyes.

The power those eyes held.

"Um... sorry", the therapist stammers, her voice betraying her flustered state, "What was your answer?"

Yet, despite the intensity of Alexia's gaze, the power it held, Erin's eyes involuntarily flit back to Ria, her 'sister', whose meaningful glances towards Ona didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.

While the winger was positioned at the bar, on the cusp of ordering a drink, the head coach had her hands tucked behind her back, clearly trying to listen to the men's words, trying to control herself and pay attention, while her forest green eyes kept flickering to a certain brunette.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now