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The mere mention of that name caused the blonde's eyes to dilate.

"Um... R-Ria?", Erin frowns, her voice barely above a whisper as she tucks her hands behind her back, allowing her gaze to take in the picturesque landscape.

"Ria", Alexia echoes.

The sound of that name hurt.

That name remained an enigma, it was an unsolved mystery. The name was a puzzle that had caused her countless sleepless nights over the past few weeks, endless hours of tossing and turning. The name served as a barrier to her finding any semblance of peace, a relentless source of inner turmoil.

Perhaps, its significance weighed on her far more than anyone could fathom.

"Well, I don't know... she's feeling a bit overwhelmed, understandably... but we both managed to get the afternoon off, and she's... back at the hotel, um... supportive of my decision to get out. I mentioned how much hiking... relaxed me during my... time with the national team, so I believe she's glad for me to get out", the blonde's response wavers with uncertainty.

With a subtle nod, the brunette continued evading direct eye contact, nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she processes the therapists words.

After all that transpired, after the pain that the name - Ria - inflicted upon her during those last couple of weeks, Alexia couldn't suppress her curiosity about the hidden explanation behind this mystery.

She needed to know.

She needed control.

"Why didn't R- why didn't she join you?", was the question the two time Ballon D'Or winner came up with, vulnerable hazel eyes surveying the magnificent view in front of them.

"Oh, Ria... she's... excited to explore some of the trails. I thought about inviting her today but...", the blonde mumbles, stealing a quick glance downward as a little ball of fluff vibrates against her feet, her cheeks blushing as she admits, "... but was hoping maybe you'd... change your mind"

A light shade of rose crept over Alexia's cheeks.

She felt her heart skip a beat as she processes those words, realizing that the sound of them was what she's been craving.

The power those words held.

Taking a tentative step forward, accompanied by Nala's excited leap against her leg, the blonde senses her heart racing as she reaches out, allowing her ice-cold fingers to hesitantly brush against the back of Alexia's hand.

She yearned to bridge the gap, to embrace the captain, but the conflicted expression on the midfielder's face indicated that this wasn't the opportune moment.

"Love...", the therapist begins tenderly, her voice carrying the weight of sincerity, "I know that there's a lot of confusion. I've been telling you to trust me, and I still need you to... please"

Alexia remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground.


She couldn't allow the power of that word to break her facade. She couldn't allow herself to lose control.

The sun was almost completely set, casting a warm, gentle glow over their surroundings. Shades of orange and pink darken, the blue from the sky slowly but surely disappearing as the sun sets.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner felt her breath hitch, her troat tighten, as those cold fingertips brush against the back of her hand ever so slightly, eventually entwining their fingers.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now