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Ria's forest green eyes were fixed on the sun's play of light as it danced across the table, while Alexia's sparkling hazel ones inspect the familiar object given to her.

And suddenly, everything else faded into the background.

Everything else seemed irrelevant.

The ambiance inside the cafeteria at the Barcelona training ground didn't matter, while sunlight filtered through the giant windows overlooking the pitch, painting gentle patterns on the floor in the morning hours.

Curiosity tinged with surprise flickered in Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes as her warm fingerstips brush against the smooth fabric, hesitantly reaching for it. Her breath caught in her throat, the midfielders heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.

The captains tender lips part, though no words came out.

She was too stunned to speak.

She had no control.

Ria's gaze was unwavering, the expression in her forest green eyes intense, determined, her voice carrying a sense of pride, "I want to give you back what is yours..."

As Alexia picks up the smooth fabric of the armband, she felt every pump of her heart hammering into her chest, adrenaline shooting through her veins, the weight of responsibility and honor settling on her shoulders, both exhilarating and humbling.

"R-Ria, I... I don't know what to say", she manages, her voice laced with gratitude.

A warm smile forms on the head coach's lips as she leans forward, forest green eyes reflecting genuine belief, "You've shown remarkable dedication and resilience, Alexia. You've earned this, not just for your past achievements, but for the athlete you are today. You are the captain this team needs"

Touched beyond words, Alexia's tender lips curl into a grateful smile.

Trembling fingers twist and turn the elastic armband, colored in red and yellow, as if trying to comprehend the significance of the moment, unable to process what this meant right away.

Ria's smile was gentle as she continued, her gaze shifting to meet Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes, "And speaking of new horizons", she begins, her tone taking on a subtle hint of excitement, "There's this event next week that I'd like you to consider attending"

Alexia's brows furrowed slightly, her curiosity piquing, "An... event?"

Nodding, the head coachs forest green eyes twinkle, "Yes. It's a gathering that will bring together players from different teams, visiting Madrid from all over Spain, as well as representatives and presidents from various clubs. It's an opportunity for everyone to connect and share insights"

Unsurely, the midfielder's expression shifts from curiousity to contemplation, "And you want me to... be there?"

"Absolutely", Ria replies, her smile warm, her voice carrying a genuine enthusiasm, "It would be an honor to have you join us as a special guest, even if you haven't made your decision by then"

A mixture of emotions swirled within Alexia - gratitude for the invitation, a sense of honor at being considered, and a touch of trepidation at the thought of stepping into a new, old environment.

The environment that is facing major changes.

Good changes, hopefully.

"I appreciate the offer, Ria. It means a lot to me", Alexia replies, hazel eyes shifting back and forth between the captain's armband in her fingers and the head coach, whose smile grows, carrying a touch mischief.

"And I have a feeling someone else might be quite pleased to see you there", the head coach smirks.

Closing the laptop, Ria's gaze roams the crowded cafeteria, which had faded into the background til now, forest green eyes settling on the stunningly beautiful blonde in the opposite corner.

Alexia's heart skips a beat, her curiosity piquing as she turns to follow Ria's line of sight.

Her gaze settled on Erin, who was still engaged in conversation with Martha at another table, sipping from the cup of caramel cappuccino Alexia had bought her. The black-haired's voice, hoarse and raspy, could be heard even from the far end of the cafeteria.

And just like every time she saw her, the blonde's presence never failed to send a rush of warmth through the two time Ballon D'Or winners veins.

The power that woman held.

A faint blush adorns Alexia's cheeks as she turns back to Ria, "Erin?"

"Yes, Erin. I can tell you care about her", Ria's eyes twinkle knowingly, her voice soft as she whispers, "And I know she cares about you too"

A mixture of uncertainty and hope flickers within Alexia's hazel eyes as her warm fingers unconsciously toy with the captain's armband, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions, "She... she told you?"

Just the thought of Erin actually caring about her had her heart skip a beat.

This meant so much.

Ria's nod was accompanied by a reassuring smile, the head coach leaning forward as she whipsers, "Of course she did... she's like a little sister to me"

"I'm relieved she told you, to be honest", Alexia breathes, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, tender lips curling into a soft smile, "It's... it's a relief"

Leaning back in her chair, Ria's expression carries a mixture of empathy and wisdom, as forest green eyes watch Alexia's fingers tracing along the lines of the Spanish symbol on the captains armband, "It's never easy to navigate matters of the heart, especially when circumstances are complicated"

A soft chuckle escapes Alexia's lips, warm fingers still dancing over the smooth fabric of the armband, "You're telling me"

Ria's gaze held Alexia's, a sense of camaraderie passing between them. "Think about it. Think about everything. Take your time"

Observing the head coach as she gathered her belongings and neatly arranged her papers in her bag, Alexia remained immobilized. She was unable to move.

Rising from her seat with the bag slung over her shoulder, Ria turns, forest green eyes fixed on Alexia, her voice gentle as she murmurs, "I'm glad she told you yesterday, Alexia... that she told you everything. Sorry it had to be this way. Perhaps now you can... understand"

"I can", Alexia nods, a small smile gracing her tender lips as she looks up.

"I'll head back to the hotel now... catch up on sleep and... pack my stuff. Erin and I are departing for Madrid tonight. We're visiting other clubs for scouting and to talk to the remaining players I want on this team", Ria informs her, a tinge of disappointment settling in Alexia's heart as she realizes Erin would be accomanying the head coach.

And with a reassuring pat on the midfielders strong shoulder, while Alexia still held the captains armband between her fingers, Ria leaves without another word.

"Um, Ria", Alexia haulted her departure, hazel eyes vulnerable as she stands, wondering, "Will... will Erin attend this event too?"

Shrugging playfully, Ria replies, "You'll have to find out yourself, capitána"


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