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most likely one of my favorite chapters of this story ☕️✍🏼

Erin's heart swelled at the raw authenticity in her friend's words.

The depth of emotion, of the burden that Ria carried was crystal clear to her - weighed down by the intricate dance between personal desires and her professional responsibilities as the head coach of the Spanish National team.

It was a complex situation that had no easy solution, and the two of them were well aware of it.

As the captain drew closer, the atmosphere seemed to shift, charged with unspoken tension. Erin's heart pounded fiercely in her chest, her breath catching in her throat as she remembers their encounter some days ago.

That night had been a dream.

The magnetism of Alexia's presence was undeniable, and Erin felt as though the air had grown thicker, making it harder to breathe.

That night had been a dream.

"Hola", Alexia's calm, Catalan voice resounds, a soothing melody that resonated in the hallway.

The athlete's tender lips held a gentle smile, her hands finding rest on her hips as she positioned herself in front of the coach and the therapist, droplets of sweat still adorning her forehead, her jersey clinging to her athletic figure.

Even amidst the two time Ballon D'Or winners visible exhaustion, Erin couldn't help but be captivated.

She couldn't control it.

She found her gaze, her darkened eyes, wandering uncontrollably, her heart furiously hammering into her chest. Involuntarily, Erin's eyes roamed, her gaze tracing every curve and line of Alexia's athletic form.

She was perfection.

"Great game, capitána", Ria's voice held a touch of genuine admiration, her forest green eyes fixed on the midfielder, while a nudge of her elbow into the blonde's side snapped Erin out of her trance.

Unexpected for everyone, the head coach pulls the athlete into a warm embrace - an action they both wouldn't have fathomed not long ago.

"Gracias, gracias", the two-time Ballon d'Or winner responds, a gentle smile forming on her tender lips, her voice radiated warmth as she returns the embrace, "It's an honor to have you watching us, coach"

At the mention of that word - coach - Erin's pupils dilated, her gaze bouncing between them.

Had Alexia made the decision to rejoin the national team?

The word hung in the air, pregnant with meaning. It held a significance that transcended what was apparent. The possibility, just the idea of this, of her coming back, sent a thrill throughout Erin's entire body, her excitement momentarily overshadowing the tension she felt.

"Are you kidding?", Ria's chuckle sounded nervous, the idea that Alexia might be acknowledging her role as a head coach electrifying, excitement dancing beneath the coach's demeanor, "It's an honor to watch you play. Your performance is truly extraordinary"

Alexia's smile in response to Ria's words was radiant, and Erin couldn't tear her eyes away from the two time Ballon D'Or winner and, as she noticed the captain's sparkling hazel eyes shifting towards her, felt her heart lurch in her chest.

The power those eyes held.

Their gazes locked, and the blonde's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't breathe, a sensation of vulnerability sweeping over her.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now