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A couple of hours had passed, and before Erin knew it, she found herself dressed in a white polo shirt, together with a black pair of trousers, the patch of the Spanish national team above her heart.

And as she walked into the training facilities, usually belonging to no other team than the Spanish champions - the elite team that was of course and with no doubt the FC Barcelona - Erin was blown away by the modern facility.

This place was not only a dream for any athlete.

But also for any therapist.

As one of the best therapists Europe wide, it was an honor for the slender blonde to get the chance to work here for next two weeks, until she'd join the Spanish National team for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand.

The blonde took her time, examining and admiring the pictures adorning the higher, white walls along the wide corridor.

Among other things, there were eight championship team photos, nine of their cup victories, as well as two team photos of the Champions League titles won, one of them just a couple of weeks old.

What incredible of a finale that was.

"Wow", Erin marvels under her breath as she examines the collection of pictures, her eyes sparkling.

The clubs title collection was truly remarkable.

But it was one picture, a smaller one among the many others, among those of club legends, former captains of men and women, that particularly caught Erin's attention.

"Pretty, huh?", was a light voice that snapped the blonde out of her thoughts, causing Erin to startle.

"Hola Martha, did you find what you were looking for?", the therapist rolls her eyes, shoving her hands into her pockets as her eyes flicker back to the picture in front of her.

She couldn't help herself.

For Alexia looked like a queen showing off her second Ballon D'Or in Camp Nou several months ago.

She deserved to be called 'the best'.

"In case you're asking, the toilets are just down the hall. This facility is truly impressive... even the toilet seat is heated!", Martha marvels, a little louder than necessary as she stands slightly behind Erin, now admiring the picture of Barcelonas captain as well.

Glancing back over her shoulder, Erin casts her friend a scowl, silently telling her that she isn't interested in the shared information.

Who cares about a freaking toilet?

That's when Erin notices someone slowly strolling down the hallway and into their direction.

Of course this had to happen a minute after she'd walked in here.

And the sight of that person caused the blondes heart to leap. Her throat tightens at the sight of Alexia, the stunningly beautiful captain, the stranger she hooked up with last night, walking their way with her hazel eyes glued to the phone in her hands.

Bleached, straightened hair loosely fall over her shoulders, a concentrated expression plastered on Alexia's flawless visage as she scrolls through her schedule.

There were way too many appointments for the captains liking.

For she'd wish to be able to focus on other things prior to the most important tournament existing in women's football.

"Why are you looking like you've seen a ghost?", Martha wonders as she follows Erin's look, but it didn't take her more than a second to realize what was going on once she'd spotted Alexia.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now