001, theyre all dead

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chapter one

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chapter one

Carmen, Rosita, Abraham and Eugene had been travelling with each other for a while now. The two girls and a few others had met Abraham and Eugene in Dallas a few months back, told them they were going to Washington D.C because that same guy named Eugene with a funny looking haircut knew how to save the world.

So they tagged along.

Their group soon became small as the mornings turned into nights and the nights turned into mornings again.

It was difficult, loosing all those people, but it made them more tough, more strong.

So now, it was just the four, Carmen Espinosa, Rosita Espinosa, Abraham Ford and Eugene Porter. And it was up to them to save the world.

They were on the road, driving. When Carmen heard sound of talking, "Hey guys, do you hear that?" She asked, trying to listen closely to the voices in the distance.

"Someone's out there." Rosita said, cocking her gun. "Abe, stop the car." Rosita nodded to the strong ginger guy, his foot hitting the breaks.

The two Espinosa sisters got out the car with their guns in their hands, raised up high. Ready to shoot any threat coming their way.

They walked into the distant woods, seeing a man and a woman. Fighting walkers.

"We have to go help!" Carmen whisper-shouted. "No." Rosita placed a hand on her shoulder taking her back slightly. "We wait. See what they can do." She nods to her sister, who does the same in response.

The man and woman chased around the walkers, stabbing each of them. Watching as each alive corpse  fell to the ground.

A few left, then one.

But suddenly, the man, began to fall to the ground. It seems as though he had collapsed. A walker was dragging its feet towards him, ready to eat for the day.

Carmen just wanted to shout out to the brunette woman 'There! It's there!' But she couldn't. And she shouldn't. So she didn't.

Luckily, the woman had noticed the actions about to take place and saved the man's life. She checked him for a pulse and that's when the two girls agreed to show themselves.

As they stepped out, the single woman had her hand on her gun buried in her belt. "Take it out and I shoot you in the head." Carmen cocked the gun in her hands and aimed it towards the woman.

"Alright. Alright." She held her hands up. "You have to help my friend. Please." She begged, Carmen looked down at the man on the floor and nodded to Rosita.

"Okay. Come with us." Rosita smiled. She walked over to Glenn to help the unknown girl carry him back to the vehicle. Carmen walked behind the two, for protection and to be ready to shoot the girl if she tried something.

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