040, one armed man

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chapter forty

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chapter forty

CARMEN MADE it home to Alexandria successfully, being greeted by a good few people on her way home.

She was happy to get home after the events that had happened recently, the scary scene at the museum. She couldn't wait to tell Carl all about that.

A small smile creeped upon her face as her favourite blonde little girl ran towards her with open arms, "Cami!" Judith exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Carmen's legs.

Carmen chuckled as she lifted Judith up, holding her against her torso. Carl wasn't far behind her, his familiar smile plastered on his face, too.

He made his way towards Carmen, leaning down slightly to kiss her cheek. Carmen was shorter than Carl, by a good few inches, too.

His eyes glanced down, noticing the bandage on her hand. He reached out to grab it, holding it up. Carl raised a brow, "What happened?"

His expression was purely concerned as he held her bandaged hand in his. He ran his thumb over the white cloth, reassuring Carmen. She cracked a smile, "I'm okay. I just fell while we were at the museum."

Carl let out a small breath, one he didn't even know he was holding. He was relieved to know that Carmen only had a small injury, and not one that could've cost her life.

Every time someone comes home with a patch of blood decorating their clothes, limbs, face, you just hope it isn't theirs. Especially when it comes to Carmen.

"Okay, good. Because i've lost you once and i'm not gonna lose you again." Carl breathed out a small laugh. Carmen made a pouty face at him, "You sappy bastard."

He took Judith from her arms, holding her in his left hand while his right hand reached out for Carmen's left hand.

The two walked into their home. Carmen grabbing a quick shower, then making something for the three to eat. Rick and Michonne could be gone for days, it took a lot longer to get from Hilltop to Alexandria than people made out.

IT WASNT LONG until Rick and Michonne had come back. They informed Carl and Carmen about Ken, and how he passed. They then explained that they were going to go to Hilltop and check up on Maggie.

"You wanna come with us?" Rick asked the two. Carl and Carmen looked at each other and then back at Rick, "Yeah, why not." Carmen nodded.

Carl, Carmen, Rick, Michonne and Daryl rolled up to Hilltop on horses—except Daryl who was on his bike.

They went through the gates of Hilltop, stopping when they noticed Maggie walking out.

She had a large bruise on the left side of her face, Carmen's protective instincts immediately kicking in as she knew that couldn't happen in her sleep.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now