051, beaten bloody

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chapter fifty one

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chapter fifty one

"UM HI. IM LOU." The small girl said. She stood sheepishly near the door as she anxiously awaited Carl or Carmen's response.

"Hi, Lou. I'm Carl." Carl nodded to her, making her feel at ease. "Listen, do you think you could help me with Carmen, here?"

Lou hesitated before she took a step inside the room. A wave of metallic went through her nostrils, looking to her left she saw the guy Carmen had just killed. Carl noticed, "Don't look at that, just focus on me."

Lou looked back toward him and nodded. Her eyes went toward Carmen and back at Carl. "I'm not the best at helping people." Lou told him, "I usually just mess everything up."

"It's okay," Carl reassured her, "I'll guide you through it, make sure you know what you're doing."

Lou nodded as she stood a few more steps forward toward Carmen. "You just gotta lift her other arm over your shoulder, got it?"

Lou then did exactly what Carl had asked of her while she put Carmen's arm over her shoulder. It took her a minute to adjust to the new person clinging to her, but she got the hang of it.

Carmen looked toward her and shot her a small smile. She was turning pale due to the amount of blood loss, however, she was still aware enough to know what was happening.

Carl did most of the lifting. He wouldn't expect a girl so fragile and small to lift half of a fully grown woman. But he wanted to make her feel like she was helping him, because she was.

They managed to get out of the room and down the stairs after a few breaks called by Carmen. She was losing a lot of blood and fast, meaning that the strength in her legs was slowly fading away. Her knees were getting closer to giving in.

They had passed the man in the water, who was beginning to turn into a walker. That was something Carmen had forgotten to stop.

Carl had set Carmen down beside Lou. Lou was trying to hold her up by holding both her shoulders while Carl removed his knife and plunged it into the man's head.

"My...my bag." Carmen mumbled, barely lifting her arm to point toward the construction work. "My bag...it's up there."

Carl placed his hand on Carmen's waist as he hoisted her up and held her arm across his shoulder. Lou looked between the construction work and Carl struggling, "I can get it."

"You sure? I don't want you hurting yourself." Carl told her, giving her a genuine look. Lou smiled back at him, "I'm not good at many things, but i'm great at climbing."

She soon walked off toward the construction work and climbed up with ease. She took Carmen's bag and threw it over her own shoulder as she climbed down.

They then carried on walking for a while, swerving in and out of the building as the way Carmen came through would've been impossible for her to get back up there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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