007, liar liar

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chapter seven

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chapter seven

Carmen sat on the floor, her knees level with her chest, and her arms swinging off of them. Her head leaned against the wall that hit her back, and her left foot tapped to the rhythm off her heart beat. Her face was covered in blood and it was the most colourful thing she was wearing.

Everyone sat in silence. They had never seen someone, let alone a fourteen-fifteen year old girl kill someone so brutally. Even Rick had never gone that far.

Carmen wasn't really talking to anyone, she just wanted to escape the room and go somewhere alone, but everyone had kept her in their eyesight because they were afraid she would run off and kill someone else.

She wasn't scared of killing, and she knew what she was doing when she did it, and she wanted to do it brutally, but she was just scared of what came after, what people would think, what her sister would think, what Carl would think.

"Cami, we need to talk about this." Rosita walked over and kneeled down next to her sister, motioning to the rest of the blood that slowly began to dry up on the floor.

"No. We don't." Carmen responded, getting up and walking into Gabriel's office, the door slamming behind her.

Carl noticed and sneaked in behind her, closing the door quietly and locking it. Only the sound of the lock clicking made Carmen turn around.

"What are you doing in here, Grimes?" She asked, putting a piece of hair behind her ear. She sat down on Gabriel's sofa in his office and began to rummage through her bag.

"I came here because I care. You can talk to me, you know?" He said, sitting down next to her. "Well, what if I don't want to talk to you?" She inquired rhetorically, her blood-covered hands buried deep in her bag.

She pulled out a lighter.

"Now go." She demanded, pointing towards the door. "What are you going to do with that?" Carl motioned towards the lighter grasped in her fingers.

"None of your fucking business, now go!" Carmen yelled, Carl walking towards the door and leaving.

Every part of Carmen wanted to just die in that moment. She hated the way she treated people when she was angry, she just wanted to be alone, and like she told Carl, she can't control herself in friendships, and now, shes already fucked it all up.

Her dangerous thoughts consumed her mind and soon, tears began to fall from her eyes and run down her face. She silenced her cries by putting her hand over her mouth, and flicked the lighter open.

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