050, no mercy

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"THEY'VE GOT CARL." Siddiq informed Carmen. In that moment, her heart stopped. The loud beating that she could once hear had gone dead. The only noise surrounding them was the howling wind and the small birds that chirped as they passed by.

Carmen couldn't think. Her thoughts were passing through her mind rapidly and she began to blink away the left over tears that glossed her eyes. She couldn't cry now. Carl was missing.

"Do you know where they took him?" Michonne asked Siddiq, still holding him up as his knees were about to give way.

Siddiq looked back and forth between Carmen and Michonne. Trying to answer Michonne, but also keep his eyes on Carmen, he responded. "No, i just know that they took him because they know what he means to her."

Carmen swallowed the lump in her throat. Her mouth was dry and almost sandy-like. She tried to gather any remaining saliva as she forced a few words from her mouth, "I threatened her."

They all looked toward Carmen, she gulped. "Back at Hilltop, she was gonna take Lydia so i threatened her. Told her i'd kill her if she came anywhere near her."

It was silent. You could practically hear a pin drop even in that huge field. The light green grass that was slowly turning a yellowish brown blew side to side. Carmen could only focus on the ground, too ashamed to even look at her people. Both the alive and dead.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry." She whispered. Carmen still remained near Yumiko. After Siddiq had given the news, Yumiko had let go of her. But not entirely.

Yumiko then placed a hand on Carmen's shoulder, "It's not your fault. You didn't know this would happen."

"But i should've known." Carmen said, her voice more audible this time. She stumbled to her feet, "I need to go find him."

"We can arrange that once we get back to Kingdom. We need to help Siddiq." Michonne stated strongly.

"You guys go, i need to find him." Carmen waved her off, walking toward Daryl.

He grabbed her arm and stopped her, "You think it's a good idea going in there with just a machete? You need real guns. Real shit. You're tired, Carmen and Rosita needs to know where you're going, you need to do this with people. Let us get back to Kingdom, and we will set off first thing tomorrow morning."

Carmen nodded at Daryl, he let go of her arm and began to walk down the hill with Carol still in his grasp. She couldn't see Henry like that.

"LET ME COME WITH YOU." Alden volunteered as Carmen began to shove extra worn out clothing and cans of food that she might need into a large back pack. "Carl is my friend, he was with Enid when she died. I need to know...i need to hear it from him."

"And you will, Alden. But when i bring him back." Carmen swung the back pack around her shoulder. "I don't want anyone else knowing that i'm leaving. You gotta keep them stalled just for a little while, until im too far for them to catch up." She placed her machete into the holster on her thigh, and her pistol into the gun holster attached to her belt.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now