005, friendship

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chapter five

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chapter five

The fifteen of them had been travelling for a while. They all walked across train tracks in little groups, Abraham, Rosita and Eugene usually staying behind, but Carmen thought to meet everyone and introduce herself.

From the time they had been travelling, she spoke a lot to Daryl, Sasha and Carol.

Daryl was a man with a cross bow, long greasy hair, and a leather jacket with different coloured wings sewn on the back. His voice was deep and he looked as thought he hadn't showered in a few good years.

Sasha was a fierce and a pragmatic woman. She knew how to use a sniper, very accurately and had a strong use of words. She was a beautiful, dark-skinned woman and she had chocolate brown eyes. She held herself up very confidently, which made Carmen begin to walk exactly like her.

Carol was a badass. When Carmen began speaking to her, she was quite sweet and had a caring personality, but the more questions she asked, the more she heard, and whatever this woman had gone through, she sure as hell knew what she was doing. It was almost as if she was born for an apocalypse.

Recently, Carmen had noticed Carl taking a few glances at her. Obviously, she hadn't talked to him since he found his little sister, and he seemed to be trying to tell her something, but she couldn't make out what. Honestly, she didn't know if they were friends or not, she kind of just assumed that everything that had happened was just for the survival aspect and Carl didn't actually care about her.

Although, she didn't want it to be like that. Carmen wanted more, she wanted friends, teen romance, but that wasn't likely to happen because of a stupid apocalypse that had got her wrapped inside.

"Hey, Kiddo. Come here." Abraham waved over to Carmen, she ran from her spot near Sasha to Abraham. "Yeah, Abe, what's up?" Carmen looked up at the ginger guy, he moustache moving as he spoke.

"Don't be gettin' too comfortable with these people, we ain't gon' be here much longer, we survive, then Washington. You understand?" Carmen really hated the way Abraham just ordered her around sometimes and Rosita didn't say anything, but i guess it just proved that she agreed with him.


"No buts. We are in the real world, kid, not some fantasy island where you can enjoy yourself. It's either life or death. Make up your mind on which one you wanna choose." Abraham cleared his throat. "Whatever." Carmen walked away, back to Sasha giving her and smile and pretending like Abraham's words didn't exist.


A while of walking and the fifteen were now in the woods, surrounded by tall trees and big piles of green leaves.

It was daylight, the sun peaked through the shapes created by the leaves, and the sound of each of their footsteps reminded Carmen of when she used to run around the woods on days out with Rosita.

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