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chapter twenty one

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chapter twenty one

TWO DAYS had passed since the Saviour wipeout, and Carmen was on the road to recovery.

Everyone had been relaxing, enjoying their day, nothing was going wrong, it was all great.

Carl had been stressing out, especially since it was Carmen's birthday, in two days, and he still didn't have a gift for her.

Abraham and Eugene were going on a run, looking for more food, extra supplies etcetera, so Carl turned to the two for help.

"Do you think you guys could keep an eye out for a birthday present for Carmen? I haven't gotten anything since i've not been out the walls, and i don't really know what she'd like." Carl admitted.

"I'll have a look for you, Carl. I'll find something." Abraham agreed, stepping out the gates with Eugene following.

Carl then asked the same thing to Daryl, Rosita and Denise when they were about to go out, to see if they could keep an eye out for something. They agreed, and it was settled. Carl decided he would rather have more than one gift than none.

He eventually caught up to Carmen, a happy smile plastered on his face.

"Look what Glenn found on his run yesterday." Carl beamed as he lifted up the polaroid camera from behind his back.

"Oh my god. We need to get some pictures." Carmen suggested, a laugh leaving her mouth. Before she could protest, Carl snapped a photo of her laughing.

"Hey, i wasn't ready!" She pulled a frowny face, obviously joking. "I bet you look perfect in it. Besides, that one is for me." Carl smiled.

"Okay, then i get to get one of you!" Carmen took the camera and took a picture of Carl posing. "I'm gonna put that one up on my wall." She laughed.

They got a few together, then left the photos on Carl's windowsill to develop.

"So it's your sixteenth soon?" Carl smiled excitedly. "Yeah, my last few birthdays, weren't as great." Carmen nodded. "But, i've got a feeling that this one is gonna be the best!"

"I hope so too." The couple's lips met once again, the two sharing a kiss.

WHEN ABRAHAM, DARYL AND ROSITA came back holding Eugene in their arms, and no Denise, Carmen instantly knew what happened. The Saviours attacked.

"She's gone. Isn't she?" Carmen asked as she made her way towards the three conscious and one unconscious Alexandria residents.

"Yeah. She is." Daryl nodded, continuing to carry Eugene a long with the help of the other two.

"Let me help." Carmen offered, as she grabbed Eugene's leg, holding him up and taking him to the infirmary.

"Bullet just grazed him." Rosita informed the group, them all nodding in return.

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