022, happy birthday

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chapter twenty two

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chapter twenty two

"CARMEN I NEED TO BE THERE. For Maggie." Enid explained, as Carl and Carmen packed guns in multiple bags, making sure they were equipped for what they were gonna have to do.

"Enid, i need you to stay safe. You need to stay back and help protect Alexandria. If they attack, we need people here." Carmen replied.

"If you get to be there for Maggie then why can't i?" Enid raised a brow. "Enid, i'll keep Maggie safe, i promise." Carmen swore, holding her pinky up towards the girl.

"Fuck that. I'm coming." Enid retaliated. "Fine, grab some guns from the closet." Carmen said, as she watched Enid walk into the closet, shutting it and locking it behind the girl.

"Carmen! Carl! Let me out! Fuck the both of you!" Enid yelled from inside the closet as Carl and Carmen walked out of the armoury.

"Happy fucking birthday to me." Carmen mumbled as she walked towards the familiar RV she had been in multiple times already.

Carmen and Carl stepped inside the RV, seeing a very unwell looking Maggie. Carmen kneeled beside her. "You're gonna be okay, Maggie." Carmen whispered.

They set off in the RV, Carmen wondered why it took so many people to take a pregnant woman to Hilltop, but there was a lot of people out there.

Carmen leaned her head on Carl's shoulder.

"I'm sorry we had to do this on your birthday, Cami." Carl whispered to Carmen, a smile forming on my face. "It's okay, cowboy. It will be a good one as long as she and that baby are okay." Carmen nodded.

"This is for you." Carl said as he pulled out a small box, with a purple bow wrapped around it.


"Go on, open it." Carl beckoned, anxiously awaiting Carmen's reaction to the present that Daryl had kindly found.

She unboxed the present, tying the purple bow around her wrist, as she opened the box. Inside was a coffee brown beanie and the pictures that the two had taken earlier yesterday.

"I know it's not much but it's all we could.."

"Shut the fuck up." Carmen interrupted Carl, then grabbing the boy's face aggressively and kissing him.

"This is the best fucking present i've ever got." Carmen beamed, she placed the beanie on her head, it matched perfectly with her outfit too.

The outfit was a pair of blue jeans, a long sleeved white top, and a brown flannel over that. She had white socks and black converse on, again, far from clean.

"Happy birthday."

"What the bitch?" Abraham said, catching the attention of Carl and Carmen as they looked through the window screen of the RV, spotting men lined up with cars and another man on the ground.

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