014, young love

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chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

RICK WAS out training all the recruits of Alexandria that couldn't already fight. Carmen and Carl had spent weeks preparing for the plan, only to be turned down after Rick told them they couldn't come.

Carl had gotten over it, he realised that he had to look after Judith, he was who she felt safe with, whereas Carmen was still really angry.

Hannah and Carmen had been distant since their fight, her mother some how always found away to drag Hannah from Carmen when she was anywhere within two feet.

Ron had been distant from the whole friend group, ever since Rick shot Pete, he felt a lot of hatred not only towards Rick but also towards everyone. His father had died, same and Carmen's, they were both abusive, but the difference was the feeling they felt when they died, Ron was sad, Carmen, well, Carmen was happy.

Jason had walked over from Mikey and Carl, towards Carmen and Enid. The two were sat on the steps of the house as he approached the two.

"I've got a question, Carmen." Jason began. Carmen's laughter soon fading as she became serious, "Okay?"

"Do you wanna hang out later?" Jason asked, Enid having a shocked look on her face as she knew what Jason was like, he was a really sweet guy, but he never really took interest in anyone.

Carmen looked towards Enid, who gave her a little nod, then back at Jason and smiled, "Sure, i'd love too." He nodded and smiled, returning back to the group of boys with a smile.

"What did she say?" Mikey asked. "She said yes." Jason smiled, Carl's smile faded. He looked towards Carmen with a sad expression.

"Hey, does Carl seem okay to you?" Carmen turned to Enid. "He seems okay. You've got a date with Jason, you shouldn't bother about that. Unless you like him..." Enid trailed off.

"No, it's just, he's my friend and i care about him." Carmen admitted. The way everyone brought up her and Carl and referred to them as a couple or being in love made her think differently.

She didn't exactly know what she felt, but she knew that the peoples words about them being in love was getting to her, not that it made her angry, but it made her confused, it left her thinking.

Back at the church, when she was reading her comic, the way Rick and Rosita looked towards them was all she could think about. They didn't look towards her and Carl like they were two best friends on a play date, they looked at them like they were together.

And Carmen felt bad, she only really wanted to hang out with Jason to get her mind off of Carl. Not that she didn't wanna think about him, just that she wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say.

Am i falling for Carl Grimes?
No. I can't be. We're just friends.
Friends and nothing but friends.

Those few sentences went through her mind like a loop, it's all she could think about, the way Carl Grimes and his piercing blue eyes and dark brown hair which was mainly covered by his hat consumed her thoughts made her...confused.

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