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chapter forty three

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chapter forty three

"HERE'S YOUR FOOD." Carmen slammed down Negan's tray of food on the floor, kicking it to the side while she sat on the chair in front of the cell.

"Well, unless you're gonna eat it, can you give it to me?" Negan looked at her, sitting up on the small bed in the cell.

"Sure, but i wanna talk to you first." Carmen explained. She folded her arms over her chest, looking Negan dead in the eye.

"Kid..." Negan started.

Carmen stopped him, immediately. "Don't call me that. If you're gonna address me, use my goddamn name."

"Carmen..." Negan corrected, "You've been doing this for six years. Walking in and out of that door with a tray of food. Every single time you sit in that chair i can tell you wanna kill me. So why don't you?"

Carmen scoffed a laugh, "You're right, i do wanna kill you. And walking in and out of that door for six years is tiring, especially when it's for you." Carmen's small smirk on her face dropped, "But the reason why Rick kept you alive was because of something i said years ago, and i'm sure you remember exactly was that was. Don't you?"

"Sometimes bad people deserve to suffer with what they've done rather than die, right?" Negan leaned forward, facing Carmen. He sighed, "Yeah, i remember. And honestly, it disappointed me a little bit. I thought you of all people would've wanted me dead, that's what you said, no?"

Carmen took a deep breath, trying her hardest to not unlock the cell and drag Negan out like he dragged Rick from the RV that night.

"I do wanna kill you. I always have. Ever since the night you swung that bat down on my dad's head. And i don't care if you've been through worse shit than me. I don't care. Because if i was there that day instead of Rick, i would've let you die. And i would've given Maggie exactly what she wanted." Carmen spat.

Negan cleared his throat, scratching his beard and turning away from Carmen, "So, what did you wanna talk to me about?"

Carmen proceeded to stare at him, no matter if his eyes weren't looking at her. "I wanted you to know that i'm not doing this job anymore, someone else volunteered to do it. Someone who actually might want to sit here and talk to you everyday," Carmen picked up the tray of food to her left, handing it through the small open bars, "It's your last meal from me, Negan, so you better eat."

Carmen stood up, pushing the chair backwards. It made an awful screeching sound, the kind of sound that would make your ears bleed. Then she swung open the door, looking at Negan one final time before she stepped out.

IT HAD BEEN SIX YEARS since Rick had passed. Daryl, Michonne and Carl still believed that he was out there, and so did a part of Carmen. But, even though the man was tough, surviving an explosion that big wasn't that possible.

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