003, terminus

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chapter three

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chapter three

The next morning, the group of nine were on their way to Terminus. Their final stop before Washington.

They were all walking along the train tracks.

Maggie and Glenn up front.
Sasha and Bob next.
Then Carmen and Tara.
Finally Abraham, Eugene and Rosita.

That was the order each of them were taking, and that's how they had gotten to Terminus.

In front of their eyes, was the massive building with a sign reading T E R M I N U S. This is it. The place they have been walking for.

They walked up to the front, guns high, ready to shoot any threat that caught their attention. They were alert.

All nine approached the gate, with a sign saying:


The nine carried on walking through, Carmen's pistol raised, still gripped tightly in her hand. Around a sharp corner, was a welcoming sight.

Crops growing either sides of the pathway, tables and chairs, a place to wash clothes. Everything. A woman was stood before a small table, her back turned to the nine.

She turned around and smiled. She walked past the table she was stood before and prepared herself to speak, "Hi. I'm Mary. Looks like you've been on the road a while." Mary smiled again.

"We have." Maggie spoke, her country accent familiar. "Let's get you settled and we will get you a plate." Mary nodded.

Carmen took a deep breath and played with the skin on her knuckles, that's what she did when she was nervous.

"Welcome to Terminus."


Well shit.

There was no plate. No settling down. Probably not even a Terminus. The nine had just put themselves in a situation they weren't sure they could get out of.

Maggie, Glenn, Carmen, Tara, Sasha, Bob, Rosita, Eugene and Abraham were all locked in a vast metal caboose (I think it's called that).

They sat within the darkness, quietly.

Carmen thought about how stupid they were to come here, and that it was majority her fault. If she hadn't persuaded Abraham, then he probably would've said no, and they wouldn't be in this situation right now.

After Mary—if that even is her real name— welcomed everyone to Terminus, the nine were taken into a room, striped of all their things like bags, guns, scarfs, glasses, watches, then taken into a massive caboose where the door is locked and they can't get out.

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