036, sunrises and sunsets

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chapter thirty six

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chapter thirty six

WALKERS growled outside the gates of Hilltop, as a few residents banged on the side of the walls.

After the previous night, where everyone had fought, The Hilltop were barely getting by. They had mouths to feed, attacks to fight off, people to please, and enemies to kill.

Graves were being prepared for the important people that died last night, their bodies lying in the back of a truck while Cal rested against it.

You don't get affected when you see dead bodies, at least not for the majority. If you grow up in an apocalypse, you die in one. Seeing dead bodies is nothing, it's just another factor.

Jerry shovelled the dirt from the ground, forming another grave as he piled it onto a small mountain he was making.

Maggie approached him. Her eyes followed his movement as he made a beeline over to another spot where he was to dig another grave.

Alden walked into view, his hands tied up in a knot. Dianne was behind him as she watched his every move.

Maggie walked over to Alden with a knife in her hand, she grabbed both of his hands and cut the piece of cloth that was tying his hands together.

"We can get you outside the gates," Maggie paused, "with a guard. So you can bury your people."

Alden looked behind at the bodies in the truck, "They're not mine." He said. "But, im glad you see them that way. As people."

Alden headed out the gates with Cal, the bodies in the back of the truck ready to be buried. Alden knew that if he obliged to Maggie's orders, then maybe he had the chance of proving that he wasn't a saviour after all.

MEANWHILE, back in Alexandria, the last few houses still burned quietly. Carmen hadn't really moved since she woke up, she had been lying as still as a statue.

It had been a few days, but Carmen didn't care about that. She had watched over and over again as the light turned dark, sometimes a pretty array of colours shining in the sky. Sunsets made her think of Carl. She missed him.

She groaned, pulling herself up from the ground as she used all the possible strength she had left.

Her face was covered in soot, bruises and a small cut beside her eye. She had an open wound on her right leg. She assumed it was from glass when the house exploded, she had made it out just in time, but not enough to get far away.

Carmen was bleeding out pretty badly, and she knew that she would probably die from blood loss if she didn't try and heal it, only problem was that the infirmary was practically on fire.

She managed to stand up after a long time of struggle, holding the wound on her leg, putting pressure on it as she tried to not let any more blood drip.

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