015, the truth

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chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

WELL SHIT. So we all saw what happened last chapter, right? I would've never saw that one coming, but things had continued to go down hill from then on.

Carmen and Carl had been distant for a while now. They hadn't spoken since the 'big argument'. Since Carl had admitted his feelings and Carmen was realising hers.

It's felt difficult for Carmen to admit her feelings. And it also felt difficult to reject someone. The same someone that you thought you liked, and that you also kissed.

But when Carmen sat next to Jason, he did nothing but smile. She hadn't seen him since the kiss, and she realised that she had to talk to him about it.

"Jason. I need to tell you something." She said, she placed herself down next to him as he smiled and nodded.

"Please don't hate me for this, but after we kissed..i realised that i don't like you like that." She admitted. Carmen felt all the guilt inside her filling her up. When she gulped, it felt like swallowing barbed wire, like it was cutting through her throat.

"Oh." He paused, "Um, I don't hate you, Carmen. I'm just glad you gave me the chance." He forced a smile. Wow. Okay. Was not expecting that. She wrapped her arms around the boy, hugging him tightly.

Carl had walked by with Judith in the pushchair, he glanced towards the girl, seeing the look in her eyes as she noticed him. He shook his head, no, and carried on walking.

As Jason and Carmen sat together, a fatal scream was heard. Carmen jumped up to her feet, reaching for the pistol which was stored in her holster.

"Follow me!" Carmen yelled as she ran, grabbing Jason's hand to follow her lead. Ron was being chased by one of them.

"There's Ron!" Jason pointed out, Carmen pointed her gun towards the guy chasing him, a bullet shot through his leg, which did not come from her gun.

She noticed Carl, walking over, with his gun pointing  towards the guy on the floor. "Please. Please don't kill me. Please. Help me, please. My leg." He pleaded, before grabbing the gun in Carl's hands.

Carmen shot him in the head, earning a look from Carl. "You guys go inside. Carl will keep you safe." Carmen nodded. Carl turned to Ron, "No." He responded.

"Ron.." Carl trailed off as the boy ran away. "Jason you go inside. I'm gonna go find Rosita." Carmen looked between the two boys, noticing Enid stood at the door.

She ran up the steps, hugging the girl. "I'm not staying, Carmen. I'm going." Enid held her shoulders. "You're not going anywhere." Carmen said.

"Go find your sister, she needs you." Enid smiled. Carmen hugged the girl, nodding, "Just survive somehow." Enid said. Carmen ran down the same stairs, her gun in her hand.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now