004, brutal

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chapter four

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chapter four

Majority of the group was sat on the floor, forming and making weapons, some using belts, sticks, pins any thing they had on them or could find in a dark train car.

Carmen was struggling to find out what to make. There was a big stick which she was sharpening across the floor, it had already made quite the point, but it wasn't sharp enough to kill someone.

She carried on sharpening, til it was sharp like a knife. She had a few sewing pins in her pocket, from when she was fixing her top that ripped.

She knocked those into the stick, the sharp ends sticking out. Then she practiced ways she could hit the target. She could swing it like a bat but with one hand, or she could just dig it into the persons body or face. It didn't matter how, as long as they died.

Carl was sharpening a thin twig, thin enough to snap when it got to sharp.

"That's not gonna work." Carmen spoke aloud to Carl, since she spoke to Rick, she hadn't moved from the position she was in before. She was still sat, leaning against the wall, knees level with her chest and her hands resting on them now that she had made her weapon.

"Like you would know." He scoffed, trying to sharpen it even more.

"It's gonna snap if you keep try—"


The twig had snapped. So now hopefully, Carl understands where Carmen is coming from. "So what did you do then?" He asked in a tone.

"This." Carmen held up her weapon. Thick stick, sharpened at the end, sewing pins sticking out.

"Where did you get the pins?" He walked over and sat down next to her. "My pocket. I thought I threw them after I finished sewing my top back together, but I guess not." She said, twisting the weapon around in her hands.

There was six pins two in one side, two in the other, then the empty sides, one each in those. "Is there anymore sticks like that?" He held out his hand to hold it.

Carmen hesitated for a moment, but she chose to hand it to him. "Should be." She replied. Carl placed the weapon down and searched for a bigger stick. When he found one, he walked back over.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but..do you think you could...help me?" He scratched the back of his neck. It's crazy. I know. How could a boy shout at a girl then ask for her help? It's insane.

"Ok. But we need to clear a few things up first." She started, Carl sat down and nodded. While Carmen sharpened the stick, she told Carl what she wanted to say.

"I'm not weak." Carmen was making a sharp point on the stick. "Yeah, the ginger guy told me." Carl motioned to Abraham.

"Abe? What did he say?" Carmen sat up, curious as to what lies Abraham had told now.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now