013, carmen espinosa

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chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen

IT WAS the next day, Rick was still locked in a room after the stunt he pulled yesterday, everyone was on edge as Deanna had decided for people to vote if Rick should be kicked out, only if they knew what he was talking about.

Carmen and Carl were sat on the front porch of the house, talking about what's gonna happen when the votes come through.

"If they kick my dad out, then i'm going too." Carl stated, his leg shaking anxiously. "You don't need to worry, they won't. I promise." Carmen promised, smiling towards the boy.

Carl still had the same feelings towards her, realistically he always had, but he knew something was off about her, not in the sense that he was losing feelings, but that she was hiding something.

He just smiled in return, letting his thoughts take over. No words left his mouth after that, he just waited for Carmen to speak.

"Is your dad awake yet?" Carmen broke the silence. "I don't know, i haven't heard anything from Michonne. Last i heard was he was still sleeping while covered in small bandages." Carl described.

"Huh, sounds like him." Carmen chuckled, making Carl laugh in return. "It'll be okay. He's gonna get through this, he always does." Carmen smiled.

Mikey and Jason walked by, Mikey stopping in front of the two. "Heard about your sister." Mikey said. "Heard what about my sister?" Carmen questioned.

"Come on, man. Just leave it." Jason tried to pull Mikey away. "Heard about the four guys shes slept with. She's only been here a week, tell her to calm down." Mikey teased.

Carmen stood up, "Who told you that?"

"Hannah." He said. That name made Carmen's blood boil. She had tried to be nice, the whole time she had been here, and she wouldn't have cared if Hannah was to have said something about Carmen, but family is where she drew the line.

Hannah stood with Ron and Enid, down the road from where Carmen, Carl, Mikey and Jason were stood.

"Carmen, don't." Carl warned the girl, but it was too late as she was already half way over there.

Jason, Mikey and Carl ran over towards the scene that was about to unfold. When boys fight, it gets rough. But, when girls fight, it's gets bitchy.

"Hannah. What makes you think you have a right to spread lies about my sister?" Carmen asked the girl. "What do you mean?" Hannah shrugged, a smirk plastered on her face.

Carmen said, "Don't fucking lie. You know what you said."

"You mean about your sister sleeping with all the guys here? Yeah, that was just the truth."

Carmen saw nothing but red as she punched Hannah in the face. All the teens surrounding them and shouting drawing attention to the girl with a bloody nose, and the girl with her fists clenched.

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