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chapter forty two

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chapter forty two

DAYS HAD PASSED. For Carmen it felt like years, her mind was consumed with every possible problem that she could have, and no matter what anyone said or told her, she couldn't get rid of them.

And just adding to one more problem, Maggie had arrived at Alexandria. Someone had opened the gates for her, and she was walking right through.

Carmen sat with Judith and Michonne, watching Judith as she began to make something with the small pieces of shells that Carl had brought back from Oceanside.

"Whatcha making?" Carmen asked Judith, the blonde girl looked up at her smiling, "A bracelet."

"Oh, with shells?" Carmen lightly smiled, picking up one of the shells that was in a shape of a love heart.

"Mm-hmm." Judith hummed in reply. Carmen handed the love heart shell towards Judith, "Look at this one, it looks like a heart."

"You keep it." Judith pointed at Carmen. She gasped, "I can keep it?" Carmen placed her hand on her chest, then pointing it at Judith's bracelet, "I think you should have it. You can put it on your bracelet."

"Really?" Judith beamed.

"Yeah. Then it will look super pretty." Carmen responded, handing the shell back to Judith as she began to place it onto the small piece of thread she had.

Scott then knocked on the door, making his way through, "Sorry, i hope i'm not..."

"No, no. Come on in." Michonne greeted. She stepped off of the barstool she was sat on and made her way over to Scott. Carmen remained with Judith, but still listened in on their conversation.

"What's going on?" Michonne sighed happily, a small smile on her face.

"Maggie's here." Scott informed her.

Michonne's smile dropped, but Judith's grew wider, "Aunt Maggie."

"Wait, Maggie's here?" Carmen fixed her posture, hopping off the barstool and standing beside Michonne.

"One of the guys at the gate told me she just came in." Scott elaborated. Carmen furrowed her brows, Michonne mirroring her action, "What?"

It wasn't long until Michonne left to stand by Negan's cell, awaiting Maggie's arrival. While, Carmen was instructed to stay behind, keep an eye on Judith, and make sure no one else came in trying to sabotage things.

Carmen sat with Judith, helping her tie the knot for the bracelet around her wrist. Once it was done, Judith held up her wrist and giggled.

"Look how pretty it is, little J." Carmen complimented. Judith giggled even more, moving her wrist around so that the shells would clink together.

"Can we go see Aunt Maggie, now?" Judith asked Carmen as she twisted the shells on her bracelet.

"Not at the moment." Carmen shook her head, beginning to thread more shells onto another piece of string.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now