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chapter twenty four

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chapter twenty four

AFTER READING the letter to Carl, Rick had them informed the group that he was thinking about hiding guns, but the thing is, Carmen was already one step ahead of him.

As she stood outside, next to Carl, she watched closely as one of the Saviours became awfully close to Enid.

"Balloons? You going to a party, little girl?" He asked, his voice way to loud.

"Can i keep them, please?" Enid looked up at the man, then at Carmen, "It's just...Let me keep them."

"Say please again, little girl."

Carmen took a step forward, before Carl could pull her back, "She's got this, Cami."

"Please." Enid said. "Yeah. One more time." The man then grazed his finger across Enid's cheek, clearly making her uncomfortable.

Carmen could feel her fists closing, her nails digging into the palm of her hands as she tried her hardest to remain calm. But, unfortunately, that didn't go so well for Carmen.

"That's it." Carmen mumbled, before storming over to the man, and bringing her fist to meet his nose, he flung his head back as he looked Carmen dead in the eye.

"Carmen, don't!" Rick called out, but his warning was to late.

Negan had obviously ran over to the scene, coming to see what damage had already been paid.

"Well, well, well. That was one hell of a hit for a girl like you." Negan laughed, not even caring if one of his men was injured.

"Tell him, to give her the balloons back." Carmen ignored Negan's snarky comment as all she wanted to do was protect Enid.

Negan gave his man a look, him then dropping the green balloons onto the floor for Enid to pick up.

"You pull a stunt like that again, and i will Daryl back here, and have you cut each of his fingers off. One. By. One." Negan whispered, his voice only quiet enough for Carmen to hear.

Carmen looked at Negan the same way Rosita does, sister like sister, you could tell, they both knew exactly what and when to do something.

Negan let a small chuckle leave his lips, as him and his Saviours began to pack up and leave.

"I'll see you next time, Carmen." He yelled from afar, Carmen groaning in response.

"I'm gonna kill him."

ANOTHER DAY went by, of being under the control of Negan and his Saviours, hoping some kind of guardian angel would come and rescue them all. Carmen couldn't take it anymore.

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