047, reflections

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chapter forty seven

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chapter forty seven

CARMEN SIGHED. She missed Carl. She missed Judith. She missed RJ. She missed her dad. She missed everything and everyone that resided back home.

The Espinosa girl had been so stressed out and focussed on trying to talk to the girl in the cellar, and at least get one word that could possible help out of her, Carmen had completely forgotten to radio to Carl, Judith and RJ like she had promised.

Carmen ran her hands through her hair, squeezing her eyes shut and biting on the inside of her bottom lip. She couldn't talk to Carl, not now. She really wished there was a button you could press to teleport to someone or to even teleport them. If so, she'd abuse the button and bring Carl everywhere.

She hated being away from him. She felt homesick. She wished she could just crawl into a ball and lay on the floor until he arrived. That's how she always felt when she wasn't near him. She wouldn't know what she'd do without him if anything happened to him, or if he decided to leave...

Either way, without Carl she'd feel lost. Like a puzzle with a missing piece. There would always be some sort of feeling that she could only feel with Carl, no matter if she was right next to him or across the world.

"What's up with you?" The weak voice of the vulnerable girl in the cellar asked. She hadn't spoken in a while, not since Daryl had tried to kill her.

"It's none of your business, kid." Carmen stated, keeping her eyes on her hands. She hadn't used the word kid, not to anyone. Usually she was the kid and someone else was calling it her.

The girl cleared her throat, "Well, im making it my business."

"Well you shouldn't, so shut up." Carmen responded, looking up at her. The girl waited a minute, then asked a question again.

"Do you have family?" She asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Carmen nodded, "Yeah. I do."

"What're they like?"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm just bored. You've locked me in a shitty cell, guarding me like i can go anywhere. Your dad is probably right outside waiting for you to call him in. The least you can do is talk to me." She explained, raising her voice.

Carmen scoffed, "Daryl isn't my dad. My dad died ages ago."

"How did he die?" Her question was like a dagger to Carmen's heart. No one had ever asked her about Abraham since that night. She wasn't sure if she should talk about Abraham or her biological father. It would be difficult to talk about both.

"He was killed. That's all you need to know." Carmen shut the question down, refusing to answer to that anymore.

"My dad was killed too." She murmured. Carmen looked directly at her as the girl looked away. She could see herself in her, more than ever at this point. She just seemed scared. But she wasn't scared of the dead, she was scared of something else.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now