002, everyone has a mission

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chapter two

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chapter two

"I'm well aware it sounds bananas." Eugene began. "But looking at the fossil record, knowing what I know about this infection, you cannot say for certain it isn't what killed off the dinosaurs."

"Now do I believe that's what happened? No."

"But it's enjoyable as hell to think about an undead ankylosaur going after a diplodocus. That there is a video game worth a preorder." He paused for a moment.

"Oh, hell, yeah. Score."

"A few more of those, a little aluminum foil and some bleach, you got yourself some volts, sister." Eugene looked at the confused faces.

"Homemade bullets." He corrected.

"Here." Tara handed him the small piece worthy enough to make a bullet.

"For reals?" He smiled. "You don't want it?" Eugene was a very kind and generous man, so being offered things he had already given to someone else was an achievement to him.

"For reals."

"Much obliged." Eugene nodded.

"Speaking of video games, what kind of gamer were you? RPG's, shmup, sim racing?"

Eugene carried on giving names of videos games and video gamers for a few good minutes.

Sun soon set, and the six found a place to rest their heads for the night.

Tara was on watch.

Carmen hadn't been sleeping for days, she couldn't. Everything she had seen, had to do, wanted to do, made her scared of loosing herself, don't know how that would happen in your sleep, but she couldn't close an eye.

So she just listened to Tara and Abraham talk quietly.

"Go to sleep." Tara's voice was soft. "I got this."

"No offence but I'm not leaving Eugene's life in your hands. Or Rosita's or Carmen's." Abraham made that very clear to the six those past days.

"You came with us because you wanted help." Tara was right, that is why they followed Tara and Glenn. Help.

"You're support, not point." Abe paused for a moment. "We'll move north with you till I find the right vehicle just off the tracks. Then six becomes four."

"Or two."

"We each have our missions." Truth is, Carmen didn't really want to go to Washington, she wanted to stay with Glenn and Tara, but she won't go without her sister, never.

"You need to get some sleep."

Classic Abraham.

"I haven't seen you do it yet."

He always feels the need to prove to people he is stronger, braver, better. Maybe he is, but then again, sometimes, he isn't. And he knows that.

"Thought it was because you were in love with him." Abraham chuckled. Who? Who was Tara in love with? Was it Glenn? It had to be. Right?

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