028, abraham

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chapter twenty eight

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chapter twenty eight

"FOR ANYONE OUT THERE who loved the obese bastard as much as i did, i just want to say a few words. Fat Joey was not the most badass son of a bitch, but he was loyal. He had. a great sense of humour. In fact, we were just joking about oral sex with Lucille the other day. Things will not be the same now that he's dead." Negan sighed, his voice scratchy coming through the radio.

Rick was currently driving the group back home, while listening to the voice of Negan over the walkie talkie Jesus had earlier taken from one of the Saviours.

"Without Fat Joey, Skinny Joey is just...Joey. So it's a goddamn tragedy. So, let's have a moment of silence." Negan's voice faded away, the car the group was in stopping as it approached an array of cars.

"Someone's trying to block the way. Gotta be the Saviours." Jesus stuck his head out of the window, explaining what everyone could see.

"Look. I think that's their base over there." Carl pointed towards the sanctuary in the distant of the road they were on.

"Yeah, that's it. Must be trying to make it hard to get to them." Jesus confirmed, sticking his head back outside the window again.

"We can't turn back now." Carmen sighed, she was already annoyed that Ezekiel didn't accept the offer of a fight. Things just seemed to not be going their way today.

"She's right, we gotta keep going. We'll move them, and then we'll move them back. They don't need to know we were here." Rick nodded, stopping the engine on the car and everyone then getting out, prepared to do exactly what Rick had just explained.

They all began moving the cars out of the way, pushing them to clear a path for them to drive on.

"Rick, come take a look at this." Michonne beckoned the man over, handing him the binoculars.

Michonne had seen a line of what looked to be explosives blocking the path.

"What's all this for?" Michonne asked, pacing up and down the line, inspecting each explosive.

"Wait. When we were hiding in the back of the truck, we heard a couple of them talking about this..." Carl began, turning to Carmen to see if she understood what he was saying.

She nodded, "This is for a herd."

"That's why it's a steel cable. It's not just for one walker. It's for a lot." Rosita explained, her words making everyone glance to either side of them.

"We need these explosives." Sasha breathed out. Her eyes aiming towards Rick, waiting for him to agree or disagree.

"Yeah." He agreed, "But we have to figure out how to disarm it first."

Rosita then kneeled down, taking the grate off the floor, revealing the bomb, the ticking noise getting everyone tense.

"Uh...okay." Tara stepped back, she didn't wanna get blown up today.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now