029, oceanside

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chapter twenty nine

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chapter twenty nine

TELLING THE NEWS to the rest of Alexandria wasn't that easy. First the two Espinosa sisters had to explain why they went out on their own to kill Negan, then they had to explain why they started off with three and only came back with two.

Sasha had chosen to die. Going into that sanctuary was life or death, and death had a greater chance of winning than life did.

But, when the two came back, they were greeted with much bigger and apparently more important news. Tara had come forward and told Rick about a place called Oceanside. They had guns. Lots. And people, too.

They had made their way on a journey to them. At the time, Carmen was stood with Enid and Carl.

"Do you ever think about who you've killed?" Enid asked the two, but only one actually answering.

"Yeah." Carl nodded. He furrowed his brows when he looked towards Carmen, realising she wasn't really there.

"Cami?" Carl placed his hand on her shoulder, making her jump slightly. She turned her head to face him. "You okay?" He asked.

"I've been worse." Carmen smiled reassuringly, leaving them both to go help Rosita.

Carl turned to Enid, "I'm worried about her."

"We all are, Carl. Everyone talks about it. She's gonna break soon, and you will not get the same girl after that." Enid responded.

Next was the plan, they would set up a place in case things went south, Michonne hiding in a tree and Daryl setting up wire along the leaves.

Tara was gonna go in and try and talk, if that didn't work, then she didn't know what they were gonna do.

The plan was in set, and once the time hit, the explosions they had set up went off, causing screams to be heard in Oceanside everywhere.

Herds of people ran towards right where they needed to be, Carl, Carmen, Enid, Gabriel, Tobin and a few others surrounding the people.

"Everybody down! Hands on your heads." Tobin yelled.

"Everybody stay calm."

"We don't want anyone to get hurt. Stay down and listen to what we say." Carl ordered.

"We want this to go as simply and as peacefully as possible. All of you can make it that way." Gabriel added on.

"Get down over there. Keep quiet." Daryl brought in two others, Rick following him.

"Now, we made a lot of noise. We want to wrap this up quick so you can send people to redirect anything coming this way. Tara said your forests are relatively clear, so we won't take any chances. No one needs to get hurt. This is just about what you have, what we need." Rick explained.

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