037, revenge

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chapter thirty seven

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chapter thirty seven

ROSITA was stood in Maggie's office with Maggie and Dianne. She was dressed in a blue t-shirt, green cargo pants and a sandy-brown hat. She filled with the hem on her famous leather gloves as she spoke, "The relay cars are in position. If the saviours are coming back, we'll have 10 maybe 15 minutes heads-up."

Daryl walked through the doors of Maggie's office as Maggie looked to Dianne, "And our ammo?"

"'Bout what we thought. Not enough to fend off another attack of that size." Dianne said, Maggie nodded.

"Well, maybe we don't gotta worry about that now more. At least for now. Maybe going hand-to-hands our only option." Daryl held up his knife, looking around at the three girls before him.

"You think they're low on ammo?" Rosita asked. Her eyes were low, she was tired. "Well, they must've gone through a whole bunch of it getting through them walkers at Sanctuary." Daryl stated.

Dianne nodded, standing up from the chair she was leaning on, "And there's not a lot of places to find more."

"Mierda." Rosita said in Spanish, her language turning to English immediately, "They have our bullet maker. They can make more."

"You think the saviours have what he'd need to make them?" Maggie asked Rosita. She shrugged, "If they don't, i know where they'd find it." She said.

Meanwhile, Rick couldn't stand being inside of the Hilltop anymore, he needed to get out. Get revenge. If he couldn't kill Negan, he sure was gonna kill the saviours.

He approached Alden, immediately bombarding him with a question, "Where did they go?"

"We already told Maggie every..."

"So, tell me." Rick nodded. Alden obliged, "Sanctuary's out best guess. It's pretty much out only guess. There'd been some talk about trying to get out, but it was just talk, nothin' specific. Thinkin' they had a plan's giving 'em too much credit. They saw an opening, and they took it."

"What if it was you? How would you get back there?" Rick asked him, "You're on foot, there's probably someone injured. Maybe you need a place to hole up and figure things out."

Rick's question had Alden thinking, "There's an old dive bar three miles off Edgehill Parkway. Some of them, uh, took me there once. They wanted my expert opinion on what it'd take to turn the place into an outpost. It's between here and there, but the chances they'd actually g..."

Rick began to walk off, stopping in his tracks when Alden called him back, "I don't know if this is any kind of a lead...but if you're going out there...it's not for nothing...can you do me a favour?"

Rick spun to face Alden, "If you happen to find them...don't kill any more of them than you have to. When it went bad last night, they...they made a choice. It was the wrong choice. Some of them, probably hasn't hit 'em yet. You could show 'em...by bringin' 'em back. You could do that." Alden nodded.

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